Hello Everyone


New Member
Hi!! First off, my real name is my user name so its kool. Second, I am 40 years old, I have been smoking cannabis for just about 30 years, yes I know that made me 10 when I started. I am a small business owner, a father of three and have been married for 20 years. I have a number of problems, including but not limited to, Severe back pain, spinal stenosis, DDD, Bi-polar and anxiety. I stopped smoking when I was 22 and went no traditional meds for my problems, and was on these meds for many years. These meds helped at first and everything was great, then the doc's had to start upping my dosage's, thats when the problems started. I starting having alot of side effects that I was not having before. I was talking to my physiatrist one day and told her that I was doing much better smoking cannabis when I was younger then I was doing now, and she told me, with out telling me, I should've never stopped. So I picked it up again, that was 2 years ago now, I am off all the meds i was on, and I feel better then I have in years. I can't tell any one any of this, because it is illegal to use marijuana for anything.... we need to change the laws, we need to have marijuana available to EVERYONE.

You can check out my site if you want, if not, ok.
Marijuana Uses Dot Org
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