Help a newbie out!


New Member
Now i've smoked the occasional joint here and there, but I want to start using gummie edibles because i won't be able to smoke at a 3 month event in a few months. And i'm a noob in mgs and dosing.

I am looking for a fun high that lasts like 5 hours, without tripping my balls out and going all time goes backwards and and going paranoid like some hard stuff from Quebec made me live.

So how should I go about dosing it with gummies? After quick research I was thinking maybe a 25-30 mg THC with a 2:1 THC:CBD ratio to counter the bad/fast side effects of pure THC, but im soo very not sure.

If it helps for dosing, I'm a 450lbs guy that only smokes once a month, socially.
The amount of ingredients for the etibles?
I have a cookie recipe that you make with cannabutter. 250 gr of butter and in your case 25 gr bud. Eat 1 quarter of cookie and a snack (sandwich for example) and wait. If you don't feel anything after 1 hr, eat the other quarter.
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