Help Greatly Appreciated Re: Humidity


420 Member
I have everything set up trying to work out kinks b4 my first grow.. u can't keep the humidity above 50% without turning my filter off.
Here's the specs.
4wx8lx8h gorilla tent
2 1000w MH & 2 600w HPS for flower (with hoods)
Currently have the 6 in fan conected w/ catbon filter in the tent running thru my reflective hoods out of the tent. Another concern of mine! Should the filter not be in? Really trying to control odor & heat though.
And finally a 4 in. Inline bring fresh air in. What do you think. Only trying to grow max 6 plants
Thank you in advanced
Hi AndyOakie,

I think you've got A LOT of light for that space. Not necessarily too much, but HID lights are notoriously hot and therefore make keeping the humidity up a challenge. Once you get your plants in there, I would anticipate a slight rise in humidity caused by the transpiration from the plants. I would anticipate the rise to be minimal though, and possibly transitory if planning on growing in soil? as the soil dries and transpiration slows between waterings. An additional challenge is the fact that this is not an enclosed space since your pulling air out via the inline fan. A typical set up would have the filter inside the tent, so your not wrong there. But you still will be pulling at least some of the air your trying to humidify out. All this assumes outside air entering the space is of lower humidity typically?

With that said, there are number of solutions you can employ. They range from something as simple as putting 1 or more pans/pots/containers of water inside the area to something like purchasing a small humidifier. There are number of ingenious solutions that have been shared on the site, such as using a towel as a wick (one corner/part in a container of water) with a flan blowing over it, to containers with misters/water pumps inside spraying into air inside the tent. I would suggest the search feature in upper right corner to explore that more.

I am using only 600 watt HPS/MH light inside a 4x4 area (half your size) and have had to abscond with two of small bedside humidifiers we had left over from when our kids were young. Depending on the environment from which the air going into your room comes, you may need to consider a significantly larger humidifier if that is the route you choose.

Be well and Happy Growing!

Ps. Welcome to 420 Magazine and the community of members that gathers here!
Hi and welcome to 420!

Here are some things you can do do:

1. Humidifier(s)

2. Run the air cooled hoods on a seperate fan and have it suck air from outside the tent and blow it out on the other side of the tent so it's only getting air from the room which is cooler than air from the tent, and the extraction fan will be more efficient not having to pull air through the hoods. Cooler tent = less evaporation.

On a side note you might want to decrease the power on the inline fan, you want to have a slight vacuum in the tent so the odour won't escape and be sure to have something that filters out bugs and dust.

3. Running hydro/aero systems will up the RH.

4. Once you have plants and moist medium in there the RH% will will be higher.

5. Bowls of water and occasional misting (poor man's humidifier)

Happy growing :Namaste:
Thank you.

Yes they shall be in soil, I have a small humidifier in now
That doesn't keep up to well so far
Maybe another
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