How long?


New Member
HI buddies
im probably posting this in the wrong place but i cant find an awnser to a question thats bugging me.

how long should i veg for? and when should i go to bloom?

this is my 1st attempt (please see my previous post) and so far so good, my problem is that my landlord will be doing some major work to the builing in the next month or so, so im going to have to bloom and bud my babies asap so i can get the place straight( dont need bob the bloody builder discovering my little secret) so rather than destroy my little experiment i have decided i would be better off to bloom.

as they are only several weeks old will this work? i dont expect a massive haul from them. i just dont want to destroy all my hard work.
your thoughts please!

i cant get a babysitter so these are my 2 choices.
1) destroy
2) bloom and bud
many thanks for your wisdom :thanks:
thanks mr smith !
i did not know any of that, i think my room may just about handle a doubling in size, but if it triples im in trouble! room is only just over 6ft high.

wow! i love this site! iv'e had 2 problems in less than a week and both solved by the wisdom of the community in a matter of minutes.

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