HPS, metal halide bulbs


New Member
ok check this out, last night i went too home depot, they had the bulbs metal halide, hps, all differant watts, the only thing they had was a unit for outdoor, u know the kind u put up on ur wall, well my question is, is that going to be a fire hazard in my closet? and what should i use for the bulbs at home depot?
if u use the mh in the closet make sure the socket u put the bulb in can handle the watts.. then make sure it's well ventalated so it don't get to hot.. if ur vegging i would get some flors, less heat and works good.
ok, for a MH or a hps they need a specail ballast and will not screw into a normal socket. They produce alot more heat and u have to have them alot farther from the plants, so they arent good for small grow rooms. As you may allready know Mh put out a blue specturm and is good for veg and hps put or orange and red and good for flowerin.
check craigslist there is always cheap lights there[/B]. Your hood will have to be vented which means it will have glass on the bottom sealing the hood. magnetic ballasts almost never wear out. Digital are a little more efficient, cooler & quieter. Some digital like Lumatek ballasts can run both MH & HPS with just a change of a bulb which can be a plus to some. Magnetic Ballasts are specific to watts & type either MH or HPS
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