If you could make anything with THC added...


New Member
What would it be? Not looking for the usual answers, like brownies, cookies, etc. I'm talking ANYTHING at all. From the THC chewing gum (this thread is kinda piggy backing on that idea) to Hemp underwear, if you want it made out of marijuana, fuckin' list it.

Personally, I think THC laced Ketchup would kick ass. It could make McDonald's french fries that much better.
coffee, tacos, cigarettes... and maybe turn oxygen into 3 parts THC
trees and bushes..i always thought they slightly resembled huge nugs. peace
All Grass. That would be awsome and it would be legal not like there gonna kill all grass and everyone would get high and the world would be peaceful.peace
Just had another thought... since I'm always chewing on my pens during class if I could somehow put an extract on the pen then as I'm chewing on it I could get high :)
DirtDogStayhigh said:
Whiskey or Codeine

:hmmmm: Don't like that one. Don't mix it with other drugs, that's just stupid... to me anyway.

That goes for coffee too. You wouldn't believe the amount of chemicals in coffee besides the shit... caff... caffiene??
oxygen.. enough said.
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