Im kinda new to the plant


New Member
im kinda new to the plant ive been smoking for few years but i never got in to it i would just buy w/e weed i could and smoke it but could some one explain to me what indica/sativa mean thanks :grinjoint:
indica/sativa i'm not going in depth about this.....

It's 2 diffrent kinds of plant, and i'm not even totally 100% on this subject so I'm not gonna act like I know everything.

the difference is the leaves of one are wider than the other and so on blah blah blah.
From what I understand, this is basically what it means to the smoker:
Sativa - more mental high
Indica - more physical high

when in doubt, erowid:
Erowid Cannabis Vault : Identifying Cannabis

growers correct me, but:
I believe most strains are a mix of the two, a lot of times it comes to out to something like 60%/40%
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