Is this going to work

well to be honest mate....if your talking about a normal house hold bulb then will grow but will turn out pretty shitty as they dont have the right coloured spectrum for growing cannbis.

try and get ya hands on some flurosent lights (strip or compact)as these will serve ya plants better duering veg but yas could do with bigger lights to get ther best results when flowering like mh or hps.

also try searching about for as much info on growing weed as ya can be easy if ya just follow some simple basic rules.if yas dont follow these basic rules then ya not going to get the results your after. :smokin:

hope this helps yas..

good luck :peace:
Thanks, I just found a phat flourescent light in the garage
cool now keep the top of the plants about 1-2 inch away from the light and never let it touch!!check daily...

you got a oscalating fan?if not get one and have it blowing GENTLY on them...this will strenthen them up for when you have 1ft colas forming :grinjoint:

how old are ya plants?

keep us updated mate

hope things go cool for yas :peace:
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