Judge Says It's "High Time" We Legalized Marijuana

A state lawmaker from San Francisco has introduced legislation to decriminalize marijuana and regulate it like alcohol.

It has been endorsed by a retired Orange County judge who used to be a federal prosecutor.

Jim Gray is a Vietnam combat veteran who spent 25 years on Orange County's 'bench'. He's riled a lot of anti-drug crusaders with his critiques of America's war on narcotics.

In his view, it's 'high time' -- so to speak -- for another approach to marijuana.

"We would make marijuana less available for our children than it is today," Gray said.
"Why is that? Because alcohol is controlled by the government, and illegal drugs are controlled by drug dealers, and they don't ask for ID. So what's not to like?"

His critics can rattle off any number of reasons, but in Judge Jim Gray's book, the cost-benefit ratio of enforcing marijuana laws in California is not in society's favor.

$1 billion a year, without really curbing demand, he says, when $1 billion could be reaped by taxing a regulated pot business.

"We glamorize it by making it illegal. We fund an awful lot of juvenile gangs because they want to be a part of the action selling this stuff," Gray said.

Gray is lobbying face-to-face and on the talk-show circuit, arguing that health-care intervention trumps law enforcement interdiction.

"Drug treatment works. What else works? Honest education,” Gray said. “Education is working today with regard to a real killer -- a mind-altering, sometimes addictive drug -- namely, tobacco."

While countries such as Holland and Switzerland have decriminalized marijuana, mental health experts say Americans are going to need a lot more convincing for public opinion to shift in that direction.

"The idea that the government is involved in even regulating the distribution just turns people's stomachs that we would be promoting it somehow," forensic psychiatrist Clark Smith, M.D. said.

The Assembly bill in Sacramento faces major obstacles in the Legislature and even if passed and signed by the Governor, it wouldn't take effect unless there's an enabling act of Congress signed by the President.

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Source: NBC Bay Area
Contact: NBC Bay Area
Copyright: 2009 NBC Universal, Inc.
Website: Judge Says It’s "High Time" We Legalized Marijuana
I agree. If its illegal it will attract the eyes and hands of people who want it just because its illegal. We all know there are people who do things just because its illegal, the "badasses" of the world.

If the government had regulations to controll the distribution on a legal level. Not only will this be a HUGE CASH CROP, hey what does our economy need?, but this will also be able to be widly tested and distributed by doctors to heal the sick.

When it becomes legal it will still be illegal. What am i talking about? Okay say john wants some beer, well john's only 19 years old. Its still illegal for him to posses and use alcohol.
When john becomes of legal age there are still regulations to how much alcohol john can have in and on his body. AKA the legal limmit.

How could the government use a "legal limmit" to controll the use of MJ? Well there is already a ruitine that is very effective and well known. The sobriety test! "Walk the line boy!.. How many fingers?, lift your foot 6'', close your eyes and touch your nose with your index finger alternating hands with arms out..." I can go on and on to what ive seen people get put through. You can see it too on tv, online, go ask an officer to give you one. He/she would be glad to fofill your need.

As far as i know there is no five minute test to see HOW MUCH THC someone has consumed. But there are tests that will identify the drug in someones body very quickly. With this knowlage an officer could ask he/she to comply to a blood test. The same way they would do it with ALCOHOL.

They have a lot of simularities in the ways that they could be regulated, identified, controlled, taxed, and distributed. And I believe everyone knows im talking about alcohol and MJ.

Another fact that I have heard. Go up to any officer and ask them, Which would you rather run into on duty in a regular and elevated risk traffic stop? A drunk person or a person high on MJ. With my experience asking officers this all said someone high on MJ. AND ITS ILLEGAL! One officer even commented "i'de prefer a stoner, they are happy and would be glad to help you put these cuffs on, hahaha!"
Thank you for your time, EVAN
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