Late bloom experiments?!


New Member
I'm curious if anyone truly experiments with their plants? I value good bud just like the next guy and I want good stuff and I don't want to hurt my plants but I think there are more possiblities for this amazing plant. I think a lot of growers get caught up in doing what they've heard is the right way to do things instead of experimenting. I believe in trying new things and since marijuana plants and strains vary so much who's to say that won't work for your plants unless you try it. Of course there are certain things you don't want to try because they go against the way nature works, but you should get what I mean. Like you don't want to give your plant water with a PH of 4 and say you're experimenting because we know that plants won't respond well. On the other hand what if you gave your plant (in soil) water PH'd at 6.6 and added some metamucil to it? Lol. Things like that. Or maybe you foliar spray azamax mixed with warm water and 2 tablespoons of sprite during bloom even late bloom. Is there anyone that grows for this purpose and has found some interesting stuff out by taking the unbeaten path? My mind can't help but think about tons of things one could do to their plants without harming them and maybe even getting a better or unique product but as one guy I can only try so much. Some people will forever grow by the book which is fine but some of us naturally want to push the boundaries, those are the people that will elevate this profession to another level. I'm rather new to this so for the most part I've stuck to the script but I'm getting to the point where trying new things is a must and it is going to make me even more passionate about growing, hopefully. I'm going to be crimping one of my girls at a few branches in late bloom, I have about 5-7 days left in these girls. I'll be crimping one at the stem. A third plant will be fed 1300 ppm nute water and placed under a red light for 12 hours on/off for 3 days I'll do that, a 4th plant will be crimped at the stem and branches, fed 1300 nute water and go under my grow light for 12 hours and then under the red light for 4 hours. No real method to my madness but my plants my rules. After this 2.5/3.5 day experiment I will flush them with this supernatural brand flush and leave them in the dark until I get a good amount of amber trichs. I'd say 30-40% amber. So once again if you're into testing your plants let me know. This might sound pretty silly to some but it sounds fun to me. Wish me luck.
Re: Late bloom experiments?!?

Like Epsom salt? I was actually going to use that on a couple plants b/c I only have so much flush stuff left.
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