Leaves turning yellow towards the inside and bottom of the plant


Active Member
Strain is a green crack photoperiod and smaller one is a whiteberry photo.
I'm on the east coast at the 38th North parallel line
Using fox farm farm tiger bloom with mirical-grow nature care potting mix with round rocks at the bottom for drainage
The problem has been going on and seems to have been getting worse as it has gone into the flowering stage. This is the link to my other form which shows what my problems are looking like for the green crack during its vegetative stage.Leaves turning yellow at bottom and dying


(Green crack)

(White berry)
The white Barry was also a lot darker green then it has been in the past couple days.
Here are my Fox Farm fertilizers

It's a little hard to see how many and how bad the yellow and dying leaves there is,but they're falling off about 10 a day off the green crack
Thanks for your time and help,
From what I can see in the pictures, the plants look healthy overall. It appears that the leaves that are yellowing are at the bottom and toward the center (near main stem) of the plants. These are the older growth leaves that also receive less light. I am no expert, its my first grow, but I have similar issues with my girls and its not something I have bothered to be concerned about. Knowing that its the older leaves that receive less light, I just assume its natural for them to be shed as the girls age. So long as they look healthy overall I feel they are doing fine.
I want to be concerned about it either, but some of the newer grows leaves that are little at the bottom close to where bud is going to be produced are dying
I'll try to take some better pictures tomorrow
Here are some more photos, like I said there is some new grows towards the bottom of the Colas where budding sites are. The leaves start with yellow in on the tips and brown spots on them, then they just turned worse with the yellow and aspect and eventually die. I've been pulling the dead growth off, but it seems like the problem just keeps on getting worse and going to the new growth rather than just being the water leaves and older leaves falling off.

Yes definitely check out the link above.

If they are discoloring and brown spots occur before turning yellow, you may have a magnesium deficiency as Mg def leads to calcium def.

Look at some deficiency articles including pictures and see if any come close to what you are experiencing
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