Lighting, time for an upgrade?


Well-Known Member
I have grown before in the past and have been somewhat sucessful albeit I am using shitty lights. I have 4 old floro. grow bulbs at 40w each for a total of 120w. This is really not enough and I suspected that because of the use these bulbs have been through and their already low power that they are not the optimal lights for growing. My last grows were decent but the plants should have been about 60% heartier in my opinion and not much weight was harvested from these crops. One of my friends said he could get me some femenized seeds of some good buds (NYCD) but I don't want to waste my time, money and space growing with these shitty lights. My question is what is the minimum lighting requirements for 3-4 plants in an area about a 6ft.H x 2ft.W x 4ft.D? I dont know if the 400w kit is enough or I should goto a 650w or even 1000w? Are there any reliable places to order lights from online with good prices? Also, is the MH or HPS system better and which one lasts longer/stays cooler? Please respond only if you have at least one grow under your belt. Thanks and happy smoking.
damn man... you REALLY don't even need that 400w... get a 250w HPS and use the fluoros to boost the HPS... HPS is a better light than MH overall... MH won't do SQUAT for buds... it only helps vegetation... and the fluoros you have are perfect for vegetating... use the fluoros for veg, then add on the HPS when you flower... and if you really want to, you can get more of the fluoros... you REALLY don't need the big big lights unless you plan on growing much more than 4 plants...
Thanks for your input, I thought the HPS were better than the MH. About how much is the little 250w kit? I only want to grow maybe 3-4 plants tops because they are supposed to be fem. seeds. Also the floro. bulbs I have are WAY old and I am not sure if the chemicals have degraded after such a long time. Is it possible for floros to go bad after time? I have read this somewhere and it always sounded true to me. However, between the four bulbs they did manage to make plants all the way through to harvest a long time ago even though there was not much final weight. Im still not sure if I will even do this new grow, do you even think it is worth the time? Also, if I am going to do it I going to go organic, is that harder indoors?
Does anyone know where I can find (online) an inexpensive 250w HPS lighting kit complete with bulb, reflector, and ballast. Also, I would appreciate it if it came with some organic nutrients as well, preferably Fox Farm. I really only want to pay around $200 for it, so am I dreaming? I am trying to start another small soil grow (3 plants) and my 4x20w flouro grow bulbs are fine for the little sprouts but I am going to need more power for the vegging and flowering.

Thanks guys!
Thanks man, I will check them out. I don't need a whole lot of power for only 3 plants so I figured the 250w HPS system would be adequete.

Edit- That site actually has 400w systems for only $100 and the 250w are only $85!
My guy is having a seng a sale on his 600whps if you want to go bigger.
I use a 1000w HID with that type of footprint But I overdo it sometimes and like large yeilds.
Thanks a bunch InYourEndo, and for only $85 I don't see how I could go wrong. I'm thinking of getting some Superthrive while I'm at it, is this mainly for weak plants, vegging, or flowering? It says it is really for transplants and now I am confused. BTW, I'm trying to go all organic with the nutes except for the Miracle Grow soil I started the seedlings in.
Yeah, Urdedpal you guys are grow much bigger than me. I remeber you saying you got 3/4 of a pound from your white buds! I am only growing 3 plants and I mainly want to do it just to get a small amount of my own homegrown buds once again. I have grown twice before using only my shitty floros and I know with better lights and more knowledge I can grow some much better plants than I ever did before. I am always willing to purchase large amounts of bud if I need some weight. Also, my brother is planting a garden of regualr plants and flowers and his need to excercise his green thumb must have rubbed off onto me.:cheesygrinsmiley:
They have some good organic ferts on that site, like the bat guano and the worm castings. I might actually go with some of that stuff instead of the Superthrive because that seems more specific to transplants and plants in trouble. Probably less of a chance of burning them with the all natural stuff too.

On a side note, why is it that almost every new guy who wants to grow on here think that the plants can be grown and bud harvested in a very short period of time? It seems like alot of people want instant gratification and they don't really have any clue how long it will actually take and how much hard work will be involved, thats just from what I gathered from reading a few threads and I was wodering what you experienced growers thought of this "hurry it up" mentality.
InYourEndo said:
thought it would be nice for a 1 month turn around time... most people just think that cause they buy from a dealer everyday that turn around time is much shorter than it really is. i know at first i did to till i did some reading.. if everyone did half as much reading on the subject of growing as i have and im sure some others have, they would be much more informed and we would have less of these type of threads.

on a site note.. dont be afraid of superthrive.. you cant burn the plants with it its not a fertilizer, its a collection of hormones that promote a healthy plant and strong root growth. i would think it would work very will with someone thats vegging on a 24/0 schedual. just my 2 cents on the subject.

roorman we are going to have to hang out sometimes and compare gardens.

Thanks for the advice InYourEndo. Wasn't aware Superthrive was not a fert. By the looks of the pics of your plants you would put my garden to shame.:adore:
Its just the way people are hardwired. They want to be pleased now and not later. I also make that mistake sometimes but I am learning to work smarter at the problem. Thats a great but with the 600w hps don't you think?
If I did not have too many HIDs I would buy it myself.
Superthrive is more for transplanting, Its vitamin B. Thiamine is the main ingredient. Works great with cut flowers for the ladies.
Remember that superthrive is more a booster and is not a nute and you should be fine. Can't wait too see your grow dude.
Currently I have 3 bagseed sprouts that are from some very decent buds sitting out in the nice warm sunlight. My older grows suffered due to inadequate lighting. There was ALOT of stretching and extension with my old grows and the buds were not as large as they should have been. I am hoping that with more powerful, newer lighting and more attention paid to soil pH and watering that these will be much fuller plants. Thanks for the help guys.

On another big side note...
I HATE GODDAMN FLIES! I have no idea where these bastards keep coming from but there seems to be one in my house every morning when I get up. Now I have to go find and kill this little bastard or it's going to annoy me all day. GRRRRRR!
Thats some cool shit. I hate goddamn flies! What a useless and annoying animal! Yesterday morning when I took my plants outside there was one crawling on the soil in the pot I was holding! It seems like every morning there is only one in the house buzzing around and I usually hit it with a towel. BTW, I have been searching for this current one and I cannot find the little bastard anywhere! It must die!

Edit- 1:29pm- Fly is dead! I hit it with a bath towel! :laughtwo:
RooRman said:
Yesterday morning when I took my plants outside :
IMHO, I don't think it's a good practice to take your plants out of doors, then bring them back into your grow area repeatedly. You stand a good chance of bringing pests into your grow area. Aphids and spider mites and such.
It is a risk but what better light source is there than the sun? If I could do it I would. You should seriously think about treating your yard with incectesides so you run less of a chance of getting pests.
vintner said:
IMHO, I don't think it's a good practice to take your plants out of doors, then bring them back into your grow area repeatedly. You stand a good chance of bringing pests into your grow area. Aphids and spider mites and such.

Right now the plants are so small that no one will be suspicious of what they are, especially with all the other house plants we have in pots right now. Also, I'm only putting them on the ledge on my deck where the only bugs I see are honey bees. It is not as if I am putting them in the middle of the woods and I only plan on using the sun when they are this small and then I will get the grow lights for some serious vegetative growing.
Just be carefull dude, and inspect them closely quite often. You don't have to live in the middle of the woods to have a pest problem. Ants carry aphids around from plant to plant where ever they find the most tender growth. They farm the aphids just like we farm cows. Spider mights can travel for miles using the wind alone.
Thanks for the tips Vinter. I will keep a close eye on them. Hopefully I will soon be keeping them inside only anyway.
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