lookin for bigger and better things


New Member
hello all hows it goin. im 21 and from kitchener ontario, lived here most of my life with the exception of roughly 2 years in barrie ont., seeking out some good bud and now i find myself again looking for a new place to continue that search. i smoked my first joint and things progressed from there, i dont just love smokin it i love everything down to the genetics and want to maximize my knowledge on cannabis. im interested in going out west, and wondering if there are any friendly growers/enthusiasts in alberta or b.c. who can help me continue to learn as i have only had outdoor ventures and am looking to perfect strains on the indoors/greenhouse. im looking for any advice/direction/employment in any way, one can suggest or generously give as i prepare to make my way out and am grateful in advance. im an easy going guy who just wants to learn as much as i can above all else. im tired of ontario and have heard some amazing stories from previous growers when they lived out there and have not yet lived in enough of a suitable situation for growing myself, anyone out there who can point me in the direction of a weed friendly (from allowing smoke either in or outdoors to growing indoors), renting opportunity or a great rental opp., in general. i know there are lots of easy going people out there who share my passion with weed and all things surrounding it and could use a good smoke buddy to show me around out there so here's a shout out to anyone out in alberta or b.c whats up and:peace: :roorrip:
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