Mattie's Guerrilla Adventures 2020


Active Member
Hola Friends

A while ago i have read an article about guerilla growing, never really heard before that it's quite a big hobby of many people..
But i was stoked right away!...the fact that you can put some beautiful marijuana plants under the free sun in the backyard of our government.......I LOVE IT:thanks:
So i started to go around to search for some spots :Rasta:
i never thought that there are so many possibility's to create a spot to grow some weed but i found at least 10 spots which were suiteble..
Because i had plenty of seeds to drop i decided to spread the chances and make a selection of the 4 best spots quite close to where i live.

the strains:
Outdoorkingseeds (crossings which are good for the dutch climate)
First king, regular
African king, reg
Swiss king f1, reg
Heriberry, reg

Barney's Farm: Strawberry Lemonade feminized
Spliff Seeds: Blue Medi Kush feminized

Sweet seeds
Fast cheese fem
Green poison fem

HS HvyWeight Premium - gefeminiseerd
HS Sunny Vains Premium autoflower - gefeminiseerd -
Blue Cheese Autoflower - gefeminiseerd -
Critical autoflower - gefeminiseerd
Amnesia Lemon Kush - gefeminiseerd -
Gorilla Glue - gefeminiseerd -
OG Kush - Gefeminiseerd -
Bruce Banner - gefeminiseerd -

Growers choice
Grapefruit x bubblegum gefeminiseerde autoflower -
MAF Mighty amstel freezeland gefeminiseerd -
Red Jack gefeminiseerde autoflower

42fastbud autoflowers
Mexican airlines
Pineapple express
Orange sherbert

2 of the spots are in a forest closeby and the 2 other spots are literally next to my house!(140 and 250 meters from my frontdoor:laugh: lots of people pass by here everyday but im quite sure nobody will find my girls....

the biggest problems i had to make the thing work were:
-deers,rabbits,mice,and snails.....especially in the forest there are a lot of deers and they like weed a lot :yummy:
the only solution that works for that is to stretch a net around your growspace to keep them fuckers out..
for the mice i needed to put plastic tubes around the stems otherwise they will eat through them( yep the first one is down already.. R.I.P)
Only on the 2 nature reserve spots there are lots of snails, so although i dont like it, i had to put some snug pallets here to make it work!

-the second problem was the terrible soil most of the time...pretty much white and poor black sand when you get on 30cm depth, with a ph that was way to low.
In march i started to put some calcium/magnesium/lavameal to compromise the ph a little on all the spots
than in may bought a couple big bags of organic potting soil and organic chickenshit fertilizer and wormcasting. which i used in my ground mixture.
In the nature reserve i had plenty on hand becauce its next to my house...but on the other spot i wasnt really able to bring more than 300 liters of potting soil because it would attract to much attention so there i used some soil of the top layer from a little further on as well..hope this will be enough for the 16 holes i digged..okay lets throw some pictures first...

#spot nr1 about a month or 2 ago..?! in the end i it turned out i put to much autoflowers in here:(

forest #spot nr 2 about 3 months ago while digging the holes

forest #spot nr 3....finished 2 weeks ago

#spot nr 4 about 3 weeks ago....

some are a little stretched out but i dont really mind!..i think they do that to catch as much sun as they can get?!...

in the meantime...
#spot nr1

herryberry...OOOOyes its a female:thumb:

red jack autoflower not the biggest..


critical auto and a og kush fem that replaced a rotten flowering autoflower that was eaten by a snail....

#spot nr2

m.a.f and green poison

so that was the max on photo's for this post i'll finish my update tomorrow!
First i need a joint now...and lateron ill pass by the girls for some fresh pics

Cheers Mattie:ganjamon:


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That looks more like a slightly overgrown farm than a guerilla grow, lol. I wish we could do that here. Sadly, we have forestry service agents, DNR (Division of Natural Resources) officers... and cops in helicopters. One relatively small cannabis plant, hidden in some heavy woods, with no view from directly overhead, NO trail blazed to it, and no fencing/etc., stands a reasonable chance of staying hidden for a while. Sets of them in rows, each surrounded by fancy fencing tubes, with netting... not so much. Plus, the scents from a bunch of cannabis plants being grown together tends to "travel" some distance.

Good luck with your grow! And stay (become, lol?) paranoid.
That looks more like a slightly overgrown farm than a guerilla grow, lol. I wish we could do that here. Sadly, we have forestry service agents, DNR (Division of Natural Resources) officers... and cops in helicopters. One relatively small cannabis plant, hidden in some heavy woods, with no view from directly overhead, NO trail blazed to it, and no fencing/etc., stands a reasonable chance of staying hidden for a while. Sets of them in rows, each surrounded by fancy fencing tubes, with netting... not so much. Plus, the scents from a bunch of cannabis plants being grown together tends to "travel" some distance.

Good luck with your grow! And stay (become, lol?) paranoid.

hmmm..and what about a good indoor grow?

I think everyone can find a place outside to grow some plants, sometimes even on a place that you never expected... maybe especialy on places like this!...i live on the edge of a city with nearly a 100.000 people...and i found 2 spots not more than 250 meters from my frontdoor. one is like 15 meters next to a kind of walking path. Many people cross by here every day with dogs...But if you dont have anything in the bush next to the path you simply dont go there! nobody! well except of me ofcource :ganjamon:
the thing that plants may smell a little is no problem in my opinion...most of the people have no idea how weed smells, and those who know will never expect that some stoned dude put his hole garden up in the bush.
and worst case scenario i lose some of my girls...thats why i put up 4 spots to spread the chances!
i made one simple calculation...if i will harvest one plant i have already earned back my investment!...and there are around 50 girls out.......
in the forest where i found the other 2 spots there are forest agents as well, i pass by them quite often, smetimes i just greet them but sometimes we have a little chat about the weather and what i have seen for animals.
i always carry a camera with a big zoomlens and act to be the photographer going out in nature!
just act like everyone else your not a suspect if you take a walk in the forest with a backpack on your back...
i'll even challenge the forest agents to find my spot.....but believe me the amateurs overhere will Never find it!
They might be a little tougher and smarter in your country though......

cheers Mattie:ganjamon:
hmmm..and what about a good indoor grow?

That's what carbon filters are for. Then, the exhausted air just smells like... air

I think everyone can find a place outside to grow some plants, sometimes even on a place that you never expected.

Sure, yes. Have done that "a time or two," myself. But we have to be a little more careful in my locality than you do in yours, I guess.

one is like 15 meters next to a kind of walking path. Many people cross by here every day


plants may smell a little


I've been doing the cannabis gardening thing, off and on, since the mid-late 1980s, so I've grown more than a few strains. The only one that I ever grew that smelled a little was Northern Lights, and a few of those plants were pretty noticeable. Most often... Okay, you know how you can have a quarter-ounce of good bud wrapped up in a baggie - or, occasionally, that plus being inside a closed Ziploc baggie - in your inside jacket pocket, walk into a house where a few people are sitting in the living room... And, almost instantly, people start sniffing the air and looking at you with big grins? Imagine for a moment, if you will, the number of buds on an entire plant. Or even (50/4) plants grouped closely together.

Before I finally got enough sense to start using carbon filters: Once, a K9 officer (cop with a dog) figuratively chewed huge portions off my arse, giving me grief about my indoor grow (that was one plant, lol, but it was an eight square foot one) and how every time he pulled into the parking lot near my apartment to go into the retail establishment to buy a Sunday newspaper, he was hit with a huge "wall of odor." Thankfully, he was a pretty friendly guy that I happened to know. Although he wasn't friendly at all, that day. Another time, another place - this time, a house sitting on its own lot (only a quarter-acre, though). Four plants, in about the same sized space. Returned home one evening to find several of my neighbors around my porch; it was a wooden porch, elevated slightly, with lattice around the sides underneath. They were shining flashlights under there. I, of course, asked what WtF was going on. "We think we've finally cornered that skunk that must have been spraying all over the neighborhood," was the reply. I promised to deal with it first thing in the morning - and, I did (bought and installed a carbon filter). I also quit growing really "skunky" strains, for the most part. But any type of scent that "hits you squarely in the face," good or bad (as perceived by the one smelling it), is going to get noticed.

Lots of folks have outdoor grows, are sensible about it, and do just fine. But some don't seem to think. When I was still driving, I often would notice - because I couldn't help but notice - various cannabis odors whilst driving mid-late in the local growing season. And, every year, without fail, a number of people get busted because they forget, somehow (IDFK) that scent... travels.

<SHRUGS> I don't want to discourage you, only encourage you to be aware of things. And to be safe, not have a grow that screams, "STEAL ME!!!" to any nearby rippers, get fined, end up on probation or in jail, et cetera. And, again, good luck with your grow. IMHO, outdoor grow journal threads are interesting to read, and we could use more of them.
people start sniffing the air and looking at you with big grins
oyeah hahaha had that many times!...especialy haze strains can smell pretty strong though! luckly we live in the country where people dont bother about a little smell of weed :)
We think we've finally cornered that skunk
whahaha i want that skunk to be my pet :laugh: so my house will smell odored all the time
not have a grow that screams, "STEAL ME!!!
well one of the spots might be a little risky but again i dont think enyone will expect it and so find i think thats make it even funny when i will success! keep you posted....
good luck with your grow. IMHO, outdoor grow journal threads are interesting to read, and we could use more of them.
Thanks Bro!....i'm enthousiast to share my adventures with you guys and spread the stoke!
Hope i can inspire some of you folks to give it a try next year!....If anyone have a question, command, or a sugestion dont hesitate to contact me!...

Cheers Mattie:ganjamon:
finish of the update how my finished spots look like...
I'm planning on visiting the spots next weekend for an update how the girls doing so far...

on spot number 2 and 3 i digged big water reservoirs, because although the dutch weather can be pretty rainy, we can have extreme dry periods as well and i dont like to carry water to the forrest, so this was the perfect solution!
i made 2 big holes and spreadout a thick dark plastic sheeting in it and cover the edges with heavy sand.
than i put another big plastic sheet next to it so that with a heavy rainfall you catch as many rain as possible!
and if you know that 1 mm of rainfall on 1 square meter is around one liter of water!
so my plastic sheet+waterhole is june it rained around 80mm so i collected 560 liters of water by doing nothing more than digging a hole!
#spot nr 2




they are not all doing great.....

#spot 2 the water reservoir

Luckly we had rain in june, the period april,may it was way to dry, so had a bit of a tough start with the girls!
Pretty wonderd how they doing right now!
Keep you posted!
Hé there Fellow Growers,

passed by my little forest last night :ganjamon:

So if you are there better chill out a bit have a nice smoke and watch the girls!

*Maybe interested to notice that the pants and the jacket that i wear are impregnated against tick's which can give you lyme disease* I always hear a lot of guys who do guerilla grows complaining that there are more tick's these days and that they pull several of their body when they get back home.
But they have not any idea that lyme disease can cost you your life! So be aware!

They will not get huge...but im pretty happy how it goes so far!

Hello fellow growers,

I got good news, but there is also some bad news to tell.....
most of the autoflowers on spot 1 start to get mold spots....ill chop them down tonight they are 8/ 9 weeks old now. to bad....


gonna do a little less autoflowers next year....

Just one girl on spot 1 goes a lot better..

And signs of flowering are all over her...

On the other spot nr 4...they all doing a lot better:hug:

blue medi kush, green poison, herriberry, M.A.F mighty amstel freezeland,

Mama wedding gelato from my indoorgrow...

hope i have some better luck and more dry weather with this autoflowers....
one man down......

Go to the forrest now... pretty curious whats going on overthere sinds it's 8 days sinds i passed by!
I guess the girls on spot 4 like the rain a lot!

Cheers :ganjamon:


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The forrest isnt really doing where i was hoping thats a first good lesson for next year!
more rich soil is def needed here!

Good to know now, so that you can do something this year, to prepare for the next. A (soil) slurry test to check the pH. Possibly even a soil analysis, if you have access to such a service in your region. Tell the agricultural agent (etc.) you've just bought an old property and are thinking about growing some kind of small crops, and want to know how the soil is and what you need to do in order to improve it. Also, if you intend to use "organic" things to amend it, that kind of stuff requires time to work, anyway.
Yeah true that!... I actually already knew that the soil wasnt gona do the trick on this spot..tried it with a bit of lightmix,wormcasting and some of the spots soil.. just need more of it!
I decided to buy a propper soil ph tester something like a bluelab?!...can also use this for my indoor grow!
found out already that the soil is a little acidic on this spot...i used garden lime and magnesium earlier on this year...maybe i have to use some more though!
anyway, year i need to manege bigger holes with more rich soil!
i'm also thinking about to bring some clay to mix up in the holes...saw some good results in another growjournal!
together in the mixture with organic chicken shit fertilizer will do the trick ill guess

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