Missouri Pot Advocates Look For New Battlegrounds

Marijuana advocates are setting their sights on several Missouri cities as possible battlegrounds next year in the debate over decriminalization of the recreational drug.

A 2008 effort to collect enough voter signatures for a decriminalization initiative in Joplin fell about 1,000 names short. Now organizers of that effort are looking at several possible locations to try again in 2010.

Joplin activist Kelly Maddy says the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is eyeing Springfield, Blue Springs and Cape Girardeau for future campaigns. A final decision isn't expected until later this year.

In 2004, Columbia voters approved a measure that classifies possession of 35 grams of marijuana or less as a low-level misdemeanor offenders.

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Source: KAIT
Contact: KAIT
Copyright: 2009 The Associated Press
Website: Missouri Pot Advocates Look For New Battlegrounds
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