More DEA bulls**t and lies.


Well-Known Member
I found this on a news site this morning. Frickin liars!

In Georgia, the latest busts averaged about 200 plants per house. With each plant yielding $4,000 on average per harvest, that works out to about $3.2 million per year, considering the plants can be harvested every three months.

$4,000 per plant per 90 day harvest. Never happen, so I definitely call BULLSHIT! on that one.

And an interesting bit about the numbers. Is this B.S. too?

The DEA said more than 400,000 plants with a potential annual value of $6.4 billion were seized from grow houses in the U.S. last year - up from about 270,000 the year before. That is less than 10 percent of the marijuana plant seizures in the U.S.; most pot is grown outdoors on farms and in ditches, backyards and gardens.

This would mean that they estimate $64 billion dollars worth...and rising! Can't they see the income from tax revenues they're missing out on? Idiots.
I read an article very recently that said Marijuana was the US's #1 cash crop. #1. That means that of all the plants grown in the US, the most money is made from marijuana. And they're just letting it slide by them without taking a piece. It takes a special kind of stupidity...

edit: Something important to note is that that 64 billion figure is only what they're CATCHING per year. So imagine how much is actually out there.
Sure does. ^^
It takes a special kind of stupidity...

edit: Something important to note is that that 64 billion figure is only what they're CATCHING per year. So imagine how much is actually out there.

That's what I said in my post. they're claiming it(6.4 billion) was only 10% of what they think is out there. That would make it a 64 billion dollar industry.

Special stupid!:cheesygrinsmiley:
I think we can agree that anything the DEA says is bullshit. But the idea of paying tax on my smoke is repugnant.
same facts were in an article in our school newspaper today about pot busts in georgia and indoor grows. The funny thing is that the picture that they showed the plants looked like shit; all skinny and frail lol
That is less than 10 percent of the marijuana plant seizures in the U.S.; most pot is grown outdoors on farms and in ditches, backyards and gardens.

This says to me that overall they catch $64 billion worth. That number is probably really inflated though, as you pointed out, $4,000 per plant is a bit much.
Man its like Chris Rock said once, "The reason weed ain't legal in North America, is because the best weed isn't from or grown in North America. All the good shit is in Colombia or in somewhere in South America, and the us government don't want brown people to have any money."

What did he say? The last good weed I had from Columbia was quite a few years ago and I've never had any from South America. As far as I can tell, the best, on the west coast anyway, comes from right here and the west coast of BC. Then there're all those full-home grow operations, the majority of which seem to by run by Asian outfits.

If the Mexicans could get some good old Oaxacan or Acapulco Gold kinda stuff going again, and keep it off the ground while it's curing, they could do pretty well again.

Now, if he was talking about cola...
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