My first grow


New Member
Hello everyone. I decided to grow my own plants some time ago and startet 8days ago with some purple bud from seedsman. This is my very first time, i never had any experince about such things before. Yesterday i got a tip about this site, so i decided to make a profile and do a little reading. And so far i must say i've gotten alot of good imformation here :)

At the moment the plants are in a white closet with a 100w lamp and good vent. I'm thinking about buying a 400w hps lamp.

Heres some pictures from the plants. Please post your suggestions would really appreciate that. Thanks for your time :)

On those pictures the plants are 8days old



Hey Waxz and welcome to 420mag, you're at the right place. You should start a grow journal for these plants if you haven't already, that way we can all keep track of your progress.

Have you already bought nutrients? 400w HID would be a good light, may also want to consider a T5, but it's totally your preference.
First let me say welcome. There is a great community here that will help you with anything that they can. Lucky us!

To answer questions on growing there is a lot of information here:How to Grow Marijuana - Everything You Need to Know! It has helped me beyond belief.

If you would like to start a journal, you may do it here:How to Make a Grow Journal Once you start a Journal you can ask for help and wait for the big dogs(as OldMedMan put it to me once)to come in!:How to Ask for Grow Support Once a few facts about your garden are known, the people on this board will be able to chime in with there thoughts. BE CAREFUL, growing is addictive, fun, rewarding, and dangerous(Although it is relatively safe if good common sense is applied).
Once again welcome to the boards.

Looks like you need to do two things. Move the lights closer and get a fan in the room to move the plants around a little. They are stretching and reachng for the light and a fan will exercise the stems and make them thicker like you and I exercising a muscle. Thicker stems are better able to transport nutes and hold more bud.
Thanks everyone :) i moved the light closer to the plants. I haven't bought any nutrients yet, abit broke atm. But as soon i get some money i'm aiming for a 400w hps and to buy some nutrients ofcourse. I got 2fans in the closet atm one in the top and one further down.
I'll start a journal as soon as i get some new good pictures :)

Thanks for some great support guys!
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