New Guidelines For Medical Marijuana Laws Continue Debate Over The Drug


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The California Attorney General sets the record straight when it comes to medical marijuana laws.

Here is the latest:

- The Attorney General has issued guidelines to follow when it comes to Proposition 215.
- Prop 215 states that dispensaries cannot make a profit, cannot sell pot to non-members and that there is no "legal conflict" between the federal and state law.

For the first time since medical marijuana laws passed in 1996, the Attorney General has given law enforcement guidelines to follow.

"It'll provide for consistency. It will eliminate some of the ambiguity that has been out there over the years," said San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Pat Hedges, who has taken heat recently for the raid of a Morro Bay medical marijuana dispensary owned by Charles Lynch.

Hedges said during Lynch's trial in federal court, it came out that Lynch earned $2 million and that some of his 2,000 patients were not legitimate users. If that is true, it is illegal under federal and state law.

"It is certainly good to see that the Attorney General guidelines are very consistent with how this department has been operating," said Sheriff Hedges.

The sheriff maintains these new guidelines rest his case, but there are some out there who do not see it that way - and to bring you both sides of the story, Action News talked to Charles Lynch's local attorney.

"There has been no evidence that he profited. The $2 million figure might be a fair representation of gross sales at the dispensary," said attorney Louis Koory.

As for the allegation Lynch sold to non-members, Koory claims it was a setup.

"The only persons who entered that dispensary that were not qualified patients were the undercover agents sent in by the sheriff to help set Charles Lynch up," Koory said.

Both sides claim the new guidelines support their view of the law, meaning this issue will remain 'dazed and confused.'

Lynch will be sentenced next month. He plans to appeal.

News Hawk: Johnny: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Author: Carina Corral
Copyright: 2008 WorldNow and KSBY
Contact: KSBY 6 Action News -Contact Us
Website: New guidelines for medical marijuana laws continue debate over the drug
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