New Guy's Thoughts


New Member
Hey guys, Im new here, names Dick, Ive only been smoking for two years but every day for the past year and a half now ive been enjoying the herb on a daily basis, this is just some thoughts that I put down on the current state of things. Let me know what ya think guys, Glad to finally be here.

Drugs. According to our governments definition they are “articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals" and "articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals.”. To many Americans however drugs are the substances which alter the mind and allow for a break in the day to day humdrum life. Personally, I am a large supporter of recreational drug use. In my view, and I am not alone in this, a drug is any substance which changes the body works. The human body is a piece of biological machinery, and anything we imbibe is nothing more than a fuel source which starts a chemical reaction in the body. Different substances cause different reactions and these reactions sometimes alter our perception of the world. The drugs I want to talk about are the ones which are considered by law and order to be illegal. The laws governing this illegality are hypocritical and counterproductive to the effective running of our state as a whole.
My true passion in life is marijuana, and currently I am a main distributor of the chronic at the school I attend. While this makes me a drug dealer and therefore a criminal, I refute that judgment. As a criminal must have vicious intent to be a true criminal, I have virtuous intent in what I do. But more on that later.
Reefer Madness
Let’s start with Pot. Cannabis has been illegal in the United States only since the middle of the 20th century. Before that there was no legal control over the substance and as such it was a common place factor in life. Aside from just getting an adoring public high, the Cannabis plant has hundreds of incredible uses, it is literally the wonder plant. Hemp, as cannabis is also known, was the source of the first clothes and fabrics that humankind ever made. The sails of most ships to set to sea are made of hemp. Over 100 years ago now, Henry Ford built the model T, what you might not know is that the first version, from the seats to the fuel, was entirely made of hemp products. The oil of the hemp plant makes a phenomenal eco-fuel and can be made into super strong plastics with a tensile strength greater than steel. The declaration of Independence was written on hemp and most of the American founding fathers were large hemp farmers.
In the early 1900’s however the United States began the process of illegalization. Public support, misguided by propaganda films such as Reefer Madness and prohibitionary mindsets, helped move this along. In 1937 the regulatory act was passed and in 1970 the controlled substance act placed Cannabis in the same category for addiction and abuse as heroin and cocaine and made it a federal offense to possess, sell or consume cannabis. Today, the US government makes roughly 97.5 arrests per SECOND on marijuana related charges and spends over 9 billion dollars prosecuting these charges. And if you were to peer deeper into the numbers and look at the people being charged with these “crimes” you would find that an obscene amount of the people being prosecuted are minorities in urban centers. As a college student myself I can tell you that more college kids are toking up than are being given credit, I myself move at least a pound of cannabis per month through my school, and we only have a smoking population of around 1,000, and that’s being generous.
As the charges and penalties for marijuana possession increased, the percent of Americans who tried pot did not change. In fact it has become almost universal in today’s day and age, with a purported 42% of all Americans having tried pot. In actuality that is 42% of the American population willing to confess to having commited a crime, the real number is much, much higher (if you ask me 90% of Americans have tried it, 9% are liars, and 1% just don’t feel the need). This raises some interesting questions, such as why would Americans willingly break the law repeatedly. I cant answer for all Americans but for myself, a multiple-time-a-day smoker, the answer is community.
Substances in general alter our perception of the world. It is a physical experience that can be shared across all categories of human beings, regardless of your race, creed, nationality, sexual orientation, income, or social standing. When someone sparks up a joint or hits a bong, the feeling that they get is universal, something that every other person to ever take a toke has experienced in the same way. Getting high is, to me and my group of friends, a social activity, something that allows people to form common ground, and from there develop full, functioning relationships and friendships. Some of the best friends I have are friends I’ve met around the bong or blunt. These connections are real and strong, and formed around a small green plant. Whenever a stoner meets another stoner, the first reaction is to stop and smoke a bit of weed. This is not a reaction to addiction or dependence, but rather a natural reaction that all humans have. Some people play sports, some go hiking, others smoke pot.
However these stoner communities, which thanks to the internet are rapidly growing, are still, fundamentally, criminal communities. Smokers across the country are forced to rely on black markets to acquire their wares. As part of that market myself I can say that it is not a kind place. The market demands that dealers hoc their wares in secret and in fierce competition with other dealers. There is no quality control aside from what the sellers see fit to do themselves, and that is usually nothing more through then finding weed with a higher THC content. Customers are forced to take what their given, and what their given could range from being an acceptable product to something which could be laced with other substances such as PCP. There is also the constant possibility that violence could be used as a means of business. Normal people, average Americans, are forced everyday to delve into this world to get their high.
As I have said prior, I am a dealer. I sell weed and other substances to normal people who want to experience something different. My reasoning for this is simple, it’s not for money, I don’t make much of that the way I do things. It is to supply people with a fundamental product at a low cost and high quality. I sell pot so that people can get high, so that I can get high with them, so they can experience something which I personally love with all of my heart. I believe that the shared experience of proper and safe substance use is more therapeutic than any sort of psychological examination or full body massage. Weed can cure many physical ailments from pain to nausea, and only costs around 20 dollars per gram (there are roughly 4 doses per gram for beginners but that number gets lower as tolerance gets higher) because of the risk that growers and distributors run to provide the product.
All of these issues with cannabis use, cost, need to associate with shady characters to obtain it, illegality and risk of arrest, are results of propaganda and public sentiment turned law. The controlled Substance act of 1970 made pot illegal under the guise that it had no medicinal purpouse and a high possibility of abuse and addiction, and as such it had these factors in the same amount as other drugs such as C*caine, Op**tes, and Amph*****nes. Cannabis fell into the scheduele 1 controlled substance. Posession, Production, Distribution, and anything to do with weed became illegal.
I cannot argue the science behind the medical benefits of pot, I am no scientist, but I can speak from experience and in this topic I am well versed. I smoke around 5 or 6 times a day, everyday, for the last year and a half at least. During this time I was arrested for possession and intent to use but still continued to get high. I am not addicted, I simply make the conscience choice to toke up as frequently as I do because I know that while I am under the influence of pot I am a happier person and have less personal demons. It takes my aggression down while not making me an unconscience babbling fool. I don’t get dumber when im high, that is a common misconception. While stoners generally have slower and slurred speech patterns and sometimes non-linear trains of thought, this does not equate to lower intelligence. Cannabis increases creativity, which when combined with actual intellect is what leads to innovation, the most sacred of American ideals. In fact, some of our nation’s founding fathers were avid hemp growers and pot itself has played a vital part in our nation’s history.
Brought over with the English settlers when they crossed the Atlantic, it was a vital cash crop and utility to the early Americans. It was so important that for years it was actually illegal not to grow cannabis. While this is not saying that getting high was a law mandated requirement, but with so much hemp around, of course there was plenty of nug to go around. At the time of the revolution hemp was a massive cash crop, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington both counted it among their primary sources of income. In a roundabout way, hemp funded our revolution. Another and possibly the most respected founding father, Ben Franklin, was a massive stoner. During his time in France trying to secure aid for the war against Britain, he was a philandering playboy at the French court. He brought new ideas and inventions to the French, and also schooled them in the art of cultivating hemp “not for rope but for pipes”.
It has been a long road but today the cannabis culture is emerging from the shadows. Aside from the statistics that show that more people are smoking every day, there are the cultural signals that blatant to anyone who wants to look. In the past 5 years stoner movies have made a massive revival. Films like Pineapple Express, Super High Me, and the Harold and Kumar movies have grossed millions in the box office. Television has become more and more accepting of pot smoking, or at least it no longer depicts pot as the devil’s weed. Weeds is a show about a masochistic drug dealing single mother, and aside from being one of shotimes biggest hits and longest running series, has a generally positive view of the pot culture. Head shops are no longer confined to dark corners of large cities, within 10 minutes of my suburban New Jersey home I can locate 3 or 4 stores which blatantly sell bongs, bowls, bubblers, and other paraphanalia operating with impunity on the side of major highways, a mere 4 or 5 minute drive from a nearby school.
This revival is something which I would accredit to the dawn of the internet age. With the sharing of information came the sharing of oneself, and stoners took to the web as often, if not more so, than any other group of people. Smokers now had a way to contact and share with each other, swap ideas on bong making and growing, as well as how to operate without being caught by the police. Commentators popped up on youtube voicing opinions about the current prohibition, and suddenly millions of people who had to smoke privately for fear of arrest could now be open about their beliefs. Seemingly overnight the number of pro-cannabis supporters exploded, and this is most likely a result of the ability to report without any consequences
There is however a limit to what can be done with the power of the internet however. The White House recently opened a web page which allows anyone to post petitions to the President himself, and unsurprisingly the top 4 or 5 petitions were all concerning the governments stance on marijuana. When these concerns were finally addressed, it was with a one page, dismissive statement which reaffirmed the current policy without addressing any of the concerns to be addressed or resolved. Medical Marijuana is now legal in several states and support is growing on the state level across the country. However the federal government still prosecutes establishments operating in concurrence with state laws, an action which in itself is illegal constitutionally. On no other issue does the federal government so blatantly disregard State rights and dismiss those opposed to such action in such an offhanded manner.
Prohibition failed with alcohol, and we acknowledged that failure after less than 2 decades. Prohibition of cannabis is another failed concept, only one which has been enduring much longer. The illegality of pot has forced millions of Americans into a life of crime, supported a violent and disruptive black market, and cost billions of American dollars to enforce. I consider myself a great American patriot, and I love my country with all of my heart, but on this topic I find my great bone of contention with the US government. In our failed drug policy there is the epitome of all that is wrong with our nation. Hypocrisy, as the nation supplied billions of dollars to pharmaceutical companies through health care, Greed, and prejudice formed to garner the most votes. An America with a true drug policy, one which addresses the issues and allows for sponsored research into better understanding mind altering substances and their long term effects, would be an America with a great wound healed, both economically and socially.
Hey dick...about this read......whoa....I think I stopped half way because it's non my beez...if you have any questions about cannabis were here...if your just a whiny drug dealer than I'm not interested......but welcome my
:welcome: to :420: We have been Spreading Cannabis News and Information since 1993 and doing so legally. IMHO you need to stop any and all illegal activity and focus on School. I am not condemning Marijuana but rather what you are doing, it will land you in PRISON. Why not go to your local State Penitentiary and start throwing stones at the door so they let you in a bit faster. It will save you the trouble of watching your "friends" drop a dime on you and give you up when they get "busted" for a joint.
good luck and happy trails my friend!
A simple "Hello all, glad to be here!", and whole lot of discretion would have probably served you better here. Nonetheless, welcome, and I wish you the best!
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