New to the forum, where's indoor growing?


New Member
anyways heres the deal-

i just recently have taken up growing and have been serching local department stores like mad to find the right shit, i have accumulated the following,

miracle grow perlite
sunshing pro premium potting soil
horticultural vermiculite
bone meal
blood meal both miracle grow organic
alaskan fish emulsion 5-1-1
and today ordered some foxfarm nutes
(the trio- big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom)

what i was planning on doing is starting my seedling in the soil with nothing in it seeing how it already contains a good ammount of perlite however it said nothing of the soil haveing vermiculite but it does contain pine straw?
i am planning on letting them develop a decent root system and only feeding them filtered water that has a ph of roughly 6.5 for the first couple weeks, then i really have no knowlage on the nutrients, how to use them/ when to use them and exactly how much to use, could i get away with using only fox farm nutes throughout the whole grow? is blood/bone meal or alaskan fish emulsion necessary and also is it ok to start in plain soil like the sunshin pro premium potting soil or will i need attitives, (perlite, vermiculit dolmitic lime, ect, and if so how much)

any knowledge shed on all theses questions would be swell, thank's again
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