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So today i was walking down the street and i spotted it a bud plant im going to go get it but i need some help i figure its getting cold n i can bring it in im going to transplant it into a new pot and bring it to my house but i wanted to know a few things someone please help!!!???

1. Can I use a florescent bulb?
a. is 120V. enough? It only uses 13 watts tho...way cheap
2. If i grow it in my closet while its still small can i leave my clothes in there or they'll probably reak huh?
3. Is transplanting really dangerous or if i use the current soil will it work better?
4. what fertilizers do i need?
5. Where can i get the lights and soil, pots, etc.
a.about how much?

:Rasta: :allgood: :jerkit: some dank :jerkit: :allgood: :Rasta:
lol its nobodys lol its where all my n friends smoke it most likely popped up from one of the many seeds thrown carelessly on the floor
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