Noticed some discoloration, first time need help

Yeah dmoney right, its perfectly normal for seedling to be purple, all of them do. Its something to do with it only just receiving nutes for the first time and the initial start out in life, they go green in a couple of week.

As for vegging plants its all about the strain, some strains have it in them whereas some strains show purple stems as a NPK Def, Yours are fine though by the sounds of things.
Heck yea there looking really healthy can wait till they show there first sign of sex, itll suck if I spent so much time on male plants
Heck yea there looking really healthy can wait till they show there first sign of sex, itll suck if I spent so much time on male plants

yea man it must really suck!! but at least you gain some knowledge of how to maintain a plant to the point of sexing them....its all a learning experience.

can't wait to see if my little "girls" are really girls too!-lol

good luck to ya!:goodluck:
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