Old weed breathing hippy


New Member
i'm a slow typer so i will keep this kind of short.

i am Two Clouds. i am 62 yrs old. list of medical problems that would take some time to sit here and explain. i've smoked pot since the 60's, and been involved in the legalization of cannabis for over 40 years. i have also grown it that long, but long since retired, too old and wore our for that now, so my son grows for me. he is a member here to and is the one that introduced me to the site, he uses our computer upstairs sometimes, and reads off articles for me and my wife, who is also in very bad shape, crohn's being one of her bad ailments. we really enjoy the pictures here, and all the stories we find here, and are glad to be a part of the movement again, even if it's in a small way. thank you all for being here and doing this.

Two Clouds, Father of Stays on Water, aka GT
Re: Old weed breathing hippy....

High UpIn2Clouds, :welcome: to 420 Magazine!

I think you'll find this is the best mmj community out there... Dedicated to spreading awareness of the benefits of Cannabis. :thumb:

Our members are some of the most knowledgable and the most helpful anywhere!

I know you son well, he's a great member here at 420 magazine, and you must be very proud!

I used to work with someone with Crohn's... We worked somewhere where there was random drug testing... He later quit, but stopped back an talked to me about using mmj to treat his disease, and commented on how much it had helped him. This was before I began using cannabis again, and before I knew too much about the medical benefits, and I wasn't sure I believed him at the time. Knowing what I know now, I look back and think what a shame it was that he had to choose between his job and treatment that actually worked.

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