One Man Leading Effort To Legalize Medical Marijuana In North Dakota

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
A Fargo man is leading the charge to get medical marijuana legalized in North Dakota.

Ray Morgan says it gives him hope that medical marijuana is now legal in Minnesota and about two dozen other states. "I think certainly the tide is changing and I think we're even seeing that on the national level where the Obama administration has basically told law enforcement to turn their heads on that, and while there's still state regulators that are still arresting people, I think it's becoming a little more tolerable" Morgan said.

Morgan has formed a 25 member committee and is preparing to submit an initiative to the Secretary of State for approval so they can start collecting signatures. 13,500 signatures would be needed to get the question on the November 2016 ballot. If it gets on the ballot, Morgan thinks voters will approve it.

A bill to legalize medical marijuana failed in the legislature earlier this year.


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Full Article: Fargo man leading effort to legalize medical marijuana in North Dakota - News - KFGO The Mighty 790AM - Fargo Moorhead, ND
Author: Bonnie Amistadi
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