Outdoor soil+nutrients?


New Member
ok I have always just grown in plain soil and watered with plain water whenever needed but I've ben really getin into advanced techniques..trying to maximize yield as well as potency and flavor and smell...

so I've ben seeing alot and I've basically narrowed it down to a few select nutes I wanna try ( for now )
I'd like to no if these are good for soil cultivation both in and outdoor
budcandy,kushie kush, superthrive, liquid light,penatrator,purplemaxx,

please any advice or suggestions!!?? I'm always ready to learn new ways and maybe even offer suggestions. Thanks!
budcandy, kushie kush, superthrive,liqiud light
The way I found out what may soil lacked was go to my local 4h or countyfarm co-op I can't remember the name but in NY state they have one in every county. they give you a free soil sample bag and direction and you send it out mine went to Cornell Univ and they sent me a computer print out of what was need N-P-K how much lime in my case to get a near 6.0-7.0 ph they ask what I was going to plant told them corn,tomato,peppers it was the best thing I ever did and it is for free at least when I did it .you also can buy a soil ph testing kits
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