Pick up your phone!


New Member
Yo, ive been having this problem, but mabey you trustworthy fellow smokers can help me out. Everytime i call one of my dealer's they don't answer their phone. I sometimes leave a message and rarely get a call back. Is this normal or should i ditch my guy and start lookin fo' another dealer? :icon_roll
maybe cause he dont like u or maybe u call to fucking much,, i dunno

if i were u, ditch the guy and get a new onw..
He definetly doesnt want to talk or sell anything to you. Maybe, yes, because you call to much. Maybe because he just doesnt like you, but who knows really, except him.
I don't know what quantity

gabedc said:
Yo, ive been having this problem, but mabey you trustworthy fellow smokers can help me out. Everytime i call one of my dealer's they don't answer their phone. I sometimes leave a message and rarely get a call back. Is this normal or should i ditch my guy and start lookin fo' another dealer? :icon_roll
...Some don't find selling joints or 1 gram worthwhile... if that's not the case -->Next
ya my dealer only sell 8th and higher.. if u say u wanted to buy a gram, he'll just hang up on u and dont speak to ya again.. thats how he is.. but he aint like that to me, cause im one of his "friend" lol
This is how I see it...!
I sold weed for 10 years in Michigan and hit a good lick and got out of it selling...!
If you call me and ask me some dumb shit on the phon or leave a message what in the f**k do you think I am going to do...?
1. If you called me you don't know me...!
2.You trust me as much as I trust you...!
3.It's people like you that get people like me busted...!
I am not trying to be mean to you or put you down look at it from my point of view of being a seller when I was selling...
What you do is this find someone you trust a good friend that you know and when there out guess what you are out too...!
You can make all the calls you want and you can go to the corner and wait and two things are going to happen for sure...!
1.You are not going to be happy with the sack.
2.You will bitch to someone and it will not be to the seller.
Things can and will go wrong even with friends too...!
I go through a "broker"... someone who knows all (or, many) of the dealers in the area, and can guage my needs and choose the right buy. I usually only buy a gram or two at a time, and I smoke joints so I like it dry... So, I call first (which he says he prefers - maybe you should just ask next time you see your guy) and then head over, give him my money, he leaves, I watch his TV with his buddies while he's gone, and ten minutes later I have my weed.

Perfect setup. He doesn't charge off the top - he's only keeping me happy while he gets his shit together, then he's going to deal to me when he has his own shit. Usually now though to repay him for wasting his time running my errands, I'll roll one or we'll pitch together and have a quick smoke before I go on my merry way.

He does this for a lot of folks. Meanwhile the dealers only have to see him, and he's keeping them happy because even though he's only buying a gram or two at a time, he buys enough that they love him.

In the meantime I guess there's not much in it for him except that he's kept high by his buyers that give him hookups, and when he's in business he'll have an ongoing client base.

Works for me.
bra, you should always have a back up dealer. I got QP's from the same guy for ten years. Then he got fucked up on chicken (meth), thank God I had more than one source. Best bet, grow your own!
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