Picking out seeds.


New Member
I have decided to start thinking about growing. First step is to find some good seeds, right? Well how can I tell a good seed from a bad seed? I know that if you pinch the seed with your fingernail and it doesn't break, then it is a good seed. Anything else I should know? If there is anything else that anyone else would like to add about growing, please do so, for I am inexperienced in this area.
Get the seeds that look the best. It is really easy to tell. Take a jar with a top, fill it with room temp. water. Let the seeds soak in it for 12hrs. The seeds that float are good. Plant them and they will grow. www.overgrow.com for the best growing info ever.

if you mean that which ones from the same strain are the best, i think the best way would be to just try to germinate them with the wet paper towel under a bowl (upside down cereal bowl that is). i'm pretty sure if they germinate, they're fine. i dont think that there is any way to determine which seed will produce the best buds though. if you dont know what i mean about the germination technique, heres what i'm talking about. if you were looking at it from the side, heres what it would look order everything would be in, from top to bottem

Upside down cereal bowl
moist/wet Paper towel
Paper towel

i had a picture thing made up of it out of text, but when i posted it, it was all messed up and nothing was lined up. it looks right from where i post it, but once i post it, it looks wrong on the forum. sorry
there are absolutely no THC in seeds, eating them, smoking then whatever will NOT get you high.

seeds don't really have a dried out or wet look. it seems like you're too much of a noob to plant them (even I know all of this and I even think I'm too much of a noob just yet). so I suggest just collecting them somewhere or just throw them out.

i've been wanting to know about cloning for a long time now. the only online guides that i have seen cost money. can anyone try to explain it to me? i would appreciate it alot

edit : the reason i won't pay for the guides is because the only way to pay for them is credit cards, and i don't have one, and i can't go up to my mom and be like "o hey let me see your credit card for weed"
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