Planning on my first grow


New Member
hi im wondering what it would take as in the supplies needed to start my first closet grow.. im only interested in trying to grow 1-2 plants at the moment to see how my first time works out.. if someone with expierience in closet growing could help me and let me know what supplies i am going to need for a small grow
get some florescent lights 2 tubes and couple compact florescent light(cfl's), or get a bunch of cfls like 6, OR you could get a high pressure sodium light(hps). But with hps you need vent cause they are hot. For soil look up online for good soil people use miracle grow I use regular dirt with compost, I dont use nutrients but I am using some iron now, but look those cause I dont ph and all of that. When translating be careful cause if you cut the roots you will shock or stress the plant out. I am closet growing as well with a small set up, reflective material I heard Mylar is good. You use reflective material to bounce light off and go to you plant, which helps your plant grow better. If you need help with topping or fimming or lst I will help best that I can. happy growing. and what are you gonna grow?
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