Plant Troubles PICS. HELP


New Member
whats up,

i am noticing some changes on my plants and i am not sure what it is, I checked out the plant chart but cant find any thing similar.

Here's my setup:

Closet grow space (28 inches L,20 inches Width, 61 inches tall)
Soil grow: Fox farm soil
Fox farm nutes
Temps: 82F
RH: 25-30%
Veg state ( 24 days since broke ground )
4 F15 T8's 15 watts each, total 60 watts ( lights 3 inches from top of plant)

If you notice in the pic the leaves look wrinkled for some reason, its already had 2 nute feeding, schedule is nute, H2O, nute, H2O.........
I noticed it early and would like to know what is it ? Any thoughts, Suggestions ?

Re: Plant Troubles PICS....HELP....

i think i see what u might be talking about.

but i think DEAN is right the leafs are just growing.

with the ripple u are talking about the leafs are not fully growen yet and the vains in the leafs develop faster then the leaf tissue between the vain with kinda give it that ripple look. They should look just fine once the leafs get fully grown. but then u should be getting more new leafs and those will look rippled till they get fully grown ans so on and so on
Re: Plant Troubles PICS....HELP....

i think i see what u might be talking about.

but i think DEAN is right the leafs are just growing.

with the ripple u are talking about the leafs are not fully growen yet and the vains in the leafs develop faster then the leaf tissue between the vain with kinda give it that ripple look. They should look just fine once the leafs get fully grown. but then u should be getting more new leafs and those will look rippled till they get fully grown ans so on and so on

Re: Plant Troubles PICS....HELP....

hi feeding plants in veg...from wot i a no no.....crinkly leaves can be a sign of ph inbalance...wots your ph run off ?........weedtastic

I havent check my runoff, not sure. the funny thing is i am growing 2 strains 1 blueberry and 1 skunk#1, they say the blueberry would be the 1st to show signs of anything wrong, but the skunk #1 is the one with the leaf issue ?
I grow hydroponics and dont have much experience growing in soil, besides tomatoes, but this is what you should do.

Head down to Home Depot or a local gardening store and buy a PH meter. They have one at Home Depot that cost about $10 and it test the PH, Soil Moisture and even has a little lumen meter on it. Its not the most accurate, but its cheap and will give you an idea of whats going on.

I grow hydro, so I have a different PH range than soil, but I think the ideal range for soil is somewhere around 6.5.

So you can either get that soil tester from Home Depot for around $10-$15 bucks, or you can get a more accurate PH meter thats electronic. Most people that want to grow healthy plants will get an electronic meter. They run from $30 to $100+. A $45 Hanna would work fine.

Runoff is what comes out of the bottom of your plants container. So water your plant to the point where you can collect about a cup of water that drains out the bottom. Once you have that cup, dip your PH meter in it, give it a shake and see what PH your at. If your over 7.0 or under 5.0, that means your not doing to well and you'll have to get some PH Up or PH Down.

Do some reading in the How to Grow forums. There's a ton of great information on this site.
Soil PH should be 6.5-6.8

I used PH'd water to water my plants. The PH was at 7, when i checked the runoff it had a PH of 5 or so, i'm not sure cause i have a liquid PH tester. but i know it was in the area of 5-6 more to 5.

what does this mean ?
where should my runoff ph be at ?
how do i raise ph in soil ?

any help is greatly appreciated, i will be starting a journal soon....
I used PH'd water to water my plants. The PH was at 7, when i checked the runoff it had a PH of 5 or so, i'm not sure cause i have a liquid PH tester. but i know it was in the area of 5-6 more to 5.

what does this mean ?
where should my runoff ph be at ?
how do i raise ph in soil ?

any help is greatly appreciated, i will be starting a journal soon....

Like Zodiak said, in soil you want to be around 6.5 - 6.8.

5 is way too low for soil. That's even low for hydro and hydro has a lower ph range. The lowest I ever go is 5.4. The lower beyond that you go, the more and more nutrients get locked out.

Check out this post for more info.

How Can I Raise or Lower the pH of my Soil Mix?
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