pleased to meet you


New Member
I am 34 and I use medical mj. I am so glad to have found you guys.
We all need to be screaming for medical mj for everyone in the USA!
Everyone should have access with out the fear of being caught.
The only way weed tears families apart is when they arrest people.
It is a gateway drug BS! I have used it for years my friends have used it for years and none of us use any other kind of drug.

When was the last time that you heard that he was stoned on weed got pissed and beat his wife? Never me either.

When was the last time you heard that some one got drunk and beat their wife? weed is safer than alcohol.

Weed is now stronger than ever ... yup it is and now I have to smoke alot less.....and how is this bad ? How much stronger is it on the average than the stuff that the government grows and distribute?

Smoking weed is bad for your lungs okay so use it in a vaporizer or tincture.

What about kids they will get their hands on it. They already do and if it were legal then there would not be the profit in people selling it black market and eventually to kids. Kids get weed easier then alcohol.

I can not think of any of the other arguments against legalizing it so :peace:
And :thanks: for listening

P.s. Any thing posted here by me is just one big fantasy
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