Pot Brownies


420 Member
Ever since the 1968 theatrical masterpiece I Love You, Alice B Toklas, pot brownies have been helping people all over the planet feel better. Smoking marijuana and eating marijuana are two different ball games. When you eat a cannabis brownie for instance, you may not begin to feel it effects for up to an hour. However, most people report that when eating medicinal cannabis, instead of smoking it, their highs last longer. Still, old school pot smokers sometimes have a difficult time centering in on the more subtle edible marijuana buzz; they still prefer smoking. Those same old school tokers will still have a difficult time denying the facts that pot brownies:
  • Provide a powerfully euphoric body buzz;
  • Taste extra delicious when cooked properly;
  • Are less dangerous for consumption because they do not have to be ignited;
How to Bake Homemade Pot Brownies from Scratch
Let's keep this simple and effective. Here's a checklist that you'll need for your kitchen before you begin making your marijuana brownies:
  • A nonstick baking pan;
  • A stick of butter, melted;
  • One level cup of brown sugar;
  • 1/2 cup of all purpose flour;
  • One level cup of powdered cocoa mix;
  • Three large eggs;
  • 1 cup white granulated sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract;
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup delicious marijuana buds (grind them up very finely);
Cannabis Brownies Baking Instructions
  • Preheat oven to 355 F;
  • Beat that three eggs until they aerated;
  • Add in all other ingredients and stir until very well mixed;
  • Add your pot brownie batter to your baking pan and place in oven;
  • Bake for 40 minutes and then check with a toothpick in the center;
  • You will probably need to finish off for about another 10 minutes;
Bake some of your own weed brownies today and gift them to your family and friends. Everybody loves pot brownies!
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