Pot Grow Op Busts Are Set To Soar


New Member
The number of marijuana grow op busts in Surrey will go up tenfold next month because of a new law that allows authorities to inspect homes showing unusual power consumption patterns.

RCMP Supt. Craig Callins said the detachment estimates there will be "500 or 600" house inspections over a period of a few months as safety inspectors exercise their new powers under the recently adopted legislation.

Based on the results of a 2005 pilot program in Surrey, about 90 per cent of those inspections will likely uncover grow ops.

That works out to about 10 times or 1,000 per cent of the current volume of marijuana grow op raids in Surrey, where a specialist "green team" of Mounties has been averaging about 50 busts every three months.

Callins, the officer in charge of plainclothes operations in Surrey, said the ramped-up enforcement effort will start in September.

He was careful to say the new campaign doesn't represent a complete cure for the perennial problem of illicit indoor marijuana growing in Surrey, where some estimates place their number in the thousands.

"I don't mean to suggest to anybody that we've got it sorted out, but it is a priority," Callins said.

He was speaking at a recent public forum in Fleetwood.

The new law was passed by the B.C. legislature in April, and given the necessary cabinet approval in July.

It was inspired by the Surrey Electrical and Fire Safety Inspection ( EFSI ) initiative that ran between March and June of 2005, using a small five-person team of two officers, two firefighters and an electrical inspector.

By targeting houses with excessive electricity consumption, the EFSI team uncovered 119 grow ops in 90 days.

That worked out to 94 per cent of the 126 houses with unusual or excessive power consumption records looked at by the EFSI team.

The law gives municipalities the power to demand electrical consumption records from "an electricity distributor" such as B.C. Hydro.

Homes with unusual electrical consumption records are given written notice that an inspection will be carried out.

Owners or renters are required by the law to allow a safety inspection of the premises.

In Surrey, safety inspectors will be routinely accompanied by RCMP when they make their visits.

If the inspection reveals a grow op, a search warrant can be quickly arranged.

During the EFSI experiment, each case was processed in about four hours, including all the research reports and site visits.

According to RCMP estimates, there are 20,000 grow ops in B.C. which generate $7 billion in illegal revenues.

Newshawk: Stoner4Life - 420 Magazine
Source: Surrey Leader (CN BC)
Pubdate: Sun Aug. 20th 2006
Author: Dan Ferguson
Copyright: 2006 Surrey Leader
Contact: newsroom@surreyleader.com
Website: Surrey Leader
Violation of privacy. Hands down. How does this shit pass?
One Three said:
Violation of privacy. Hands down. How does this shit pass?

Thats exactly what i was thinking ... Why is it any of there buisness what you do with your power you are paying for ?
Seig Heil to big brother! Brainiasdeadus seems to be a rampant diease in law enforcement & legislative circles. Good idea about the jam session! :tommy:

Good luck you guys!

One Three said:
Violation of privacy. Hands down. How does this shit pass?

Surrey, BC = Canada, not the U.S. That's how.:peace: :cheesygrinsmiley:
i agree... party at thelife's house this weekend!! Also kinda curious, could you use a personal generator to run the lights? or are those small generators no where powerful enough to run a 400W HPS light? sry if its a stupid question heh :cheesygrinsmiley:
Kerbz said:
i agree... party at thelife's house this weekend!! Also kinda curious, could you use a personal generator to run the lights? or are those small generators no where powerful enough to run a 400W HPS light? sry if its a stupid question heh :cheesygrinsmiley:

It is by NO MEANS a stupid Q. The only stupid Q is the one not asked.

It would depend on the generator. Thare are gens that can handle all the laod you can put to them. I am thinking about one myself. I am gonna check & see if there are propane gens. that start with a pre-set timer. That would save a lot of hassel. The only draw back is that gens need to be chaecked for gas & as far as I know manually started. If they make ANY gen that self starts I wanna know.

Keep on asking!

I think LED lights are in the future for growers. Once that technology gets going you wont have to worry about electric bills anymore.
Torco55 said:
I think LED lights are in the future for growers. Once that technology gets going you wont have to worry about electric bills anymore.

Please explain. I never knew LED lighting was that bright. But I don't know that much about LED to start with.

Also, do you ave any links for finding out more. I am VERY interested in this.


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