Potassium and/or Nitrogen deficiency? First grow


New Member
Hey guys, thank you in advance for your time. I am on my first grow and am having trouble identifying the cause of a certain deficiency/deficiencies that started occurring after I switched into flowering. I am currently on the 4th week of bloom. The plants are hybrids, mostly indica. The problem affects old and new leaves, so I think it is a mobile element.

I am using a hydroponic setup: sprayers inside of a tote: 1m on 15m off. I have had stable PH between 5.5 and 6.5, and have stayed strict to the simple general hydroponics recirculating feed chart: +CalMag +Hydro Guard charts. I do notuse rapidstart. I use hardwater Micro because I brought a water sample into a grow shop and they advised me on it, but said I was only a mildly high PPM case(I use well water). I swap my reservoir (10gal) every 2 weeks, and top it off during the week. I do NOT know my PPM, perhaps that is an/the issue? I seem to use more PH down as the grow continues: I use about 75-100ml of PH down to bring down the PH every time I swap nutes. I have the tent well ventiliated, and keep temps between 67-75F, and humidity around 20~50%.

Background: I am running a scrog setup and planned to veg the plants for 4~5 weeks. I did this, but encountered spider mites, so I used a few products over a few weeks to vanquish the usurpers: (Hot shot No Pest Strip, Azamax, and Mighty Wash) I have read around and decided against using the NPS in flowering so I extended the veg time even further to 6 total weeks. (small spider mite note: Mighty Wash worked the best hands down, and the NPS did not get all of them, cant speak for azamax: but I think it slowed them down)

During veg 2 plants were a bit shorter than the rest, but I had healthy leaves and most plants had quick growth at least. Things seemed to be going well beyond the spider mites and 2 short plants.

Once I switched into flowering though, I noticed an ever growing yellowing on the leaves. Brown spots would form near the edges and turn into dead parts of the leaves. Yellowing would surround the brown spots. Currently at week 4 in bloom, the brown spots have gone down in frequency, but they are still forming.

Additionally: A week or so into flowering one of my plants wilted, and I took her out for fear her roots would die and leave necrotic plant matter in the reservoir. I have no idea why it wilted, I checked the roots and some were a bit brown, but not slimy like what I'd expect from root rot. I also have 2 air stones in the reservoir. The sprayers were working fine, and the root system was as wet as any other plant. Not sure if the plant was simply a poor clone, or what happened, but the rest of the girls have not shown signs of wilting, but I felt this could be relevant.

Here are some pictures of the poor deficient plants/leaves. The brown/yellow spots I experienced between bloom weeks 1-3 seemed similar to a potassium deficiency. But the super yellow fading I'm seeing now appears more like a Nitrogen deficiency. This confuses me because I have read that the GH nutrient feeding charts are generally more than enough for plants to thrive, and I have been vigilant as heimdall about my PH.

Maybe it has to do with how long I kept the plants in veg?

Again, thanks in advance for any help!


There are 2 photos in natural light with affected leaves. I can take more pictures tomorrow of the entire plants without the LED on though if that's what you want.
no worries, here are some photos.

A quick note: I believe plants B and C are suffering from a bit too much mighty wash application. These were the plants that showed the signs of mites and so I applied more mighty wash to them. One time I did not rinse off the mighty wash after the application and I noticed white , dead spots appearing on the top leaves, which makes sense because they were closer to the lights. Plant B may have had way too much, as you can see her leaves are curling. I do not think these symptoms are related to the yellowing/browning I am experiencing over all of my plants.
Plant b had a nitro tox at one point?
All of them look like they have a magnesium/manganese deficiency.
Don't use hard water micro, regular should be just fine for your starting ppm. The problem with using hard water micro is they leave out some of the nutrients you might find in regular micro so you may only have half or none of the macro nutes.
I also use gh flora series + cal-mag + hydroguard and I use about 1/2-3/4 strength mix suggested on the back of the label. Idk what my ppm are but I can tell they are getting what they need.
Try a flush with only calmag and hydroguard for 3-4 days, add all your nutes at 3/4 strength after you finish the flush.
Set your pump timer to 1min on, 5min off.... that way they are getting plenty of nutes and also plenty of oxygen.
I also suggest getting some armor si and some diamond nectar. Armor si helps strengthen the cells and humic acids found in diamond nectar help assist with nutrient uptake.
This is the baseline I go off of and the only problem I've had was a nitro tox and heat stress.

How close are your lights?

Hope you get your problem under control.
Idk if you have heard of this site but it's where I learned a bunch of my basic growing information.

Here is a link to the problems section of this site, you may be able to determine for yourself what's wrong but everything I'm seeing leads me to believe that the problem lies with the hard water micro nutrient that your using.
Thanks very much for the replies man! I think that's a great idea about the hardwater micro: definitely looks like it could be a mg/mn problem. I am going out to grab regular flora micro, diamond nectar, and the armor si.

I will flush as well and give that a shot.

My lights are on the close side: but the deficiency is definitely everywhere so I'm looking to solve that problem specifically. I will move my lights a bit higher soon!
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