Potting soil from dis-guarded males


New Member
Question on using Potting soil from dis-guarded males, if I was going to go through flower stage with the same soil, by adding nutes, it would seem that males found early could have the soil savaged, either by mixing an equal amount of fresh potting mix, then you'd have double the amount and feed it, allow it to sit a few days before reusing, or adding it to compost for reuse the next year, but that is what I was thinking of doing with the old soil.....would either of these be ok?
I've had that same exact question for awhile now. Hopefully someone can answer it.
I know I take the potting soil from my flowers and some veggies, and dump it in my compost container, I add scrape veggies,eggshells,coffee grounds etc for the next few months, by the time spring hits I have what they call black gold...so it works on flowers and such, I'd think it'd work in general. The only thing about using compost mixed in with potting soil is watch for bugs, so it'd be best to sift or mix it outside, but some bugs are good! you just have to know which ones
Also, I have used the same soil the following year with house plants and outside potted plants, I just feed them through out the summer
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