Price for 1/4z JERSEY/NYC AREA


New Member
i would like 2 sell just a few 1/4 amounts of my stash per wk. or couple wks. Im wondering how much should one pay for 1/4z in the nyc metro area? Im thinking $125. The bud is high quality? WHAT WOULD U PAY?
Re: Price for 1/4z??? JERSEY/NYC AREA

Take a trip to some of the richer neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Drop it for 200. Mention it's sour.
Re: Price for 1/4z??? JERSEY/NYC AREA

On Long Island, close to NYC you can get a 1/4 of Sour D for about $125-$150.
Re: Price for 1/4z??? JERSEY/NYC AREA

Sounds right to me i would pay it............we get high qual for same price ....
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