Proof the FDA is Owned By Big Drug


Well-Known Member
'No result — zilch'
Doctors have long focused on lowering LDL or bad cholesterol as a way to prevent heart disease. Statins like Merck & Co.’s Zocor, which recently came out in generic form, do this, as do niacin, fibrates and other medicines.

Vytorin, which came out in 2004, combines Zocor with Schering-Plough Corp.’s Zetia, which went on sale in 2002 and attacks cholesterol in a different way.

The study tested whether Vytorin was better than Zocor alone at limiting plaque buildup in the arteries of 720 people with super high cholesterol because of a gene disorder.

The results show the drug had “no result — zilch. In no subgroup, in no segment, was there any added benefit” for reducing plaque, said Dr. John Kastelein, the Dutch scientist who led the study.

So this is one of two drugs mentioned in this article that have no use whatsoever, yet were approved by the FDA and have so far generated over 7 Billion dollars in revenue.

Yet Cannabis Has No Medicinal Value? Even Cannabis shows more results then these approved drugs in reducing cholesterol. Pathetic. A major investigation is called for.
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