

New Member
This is my first time growing. I have decided to grow outside behind my house near a river. I live in northern New Hampshire way up there near canada. I have a few questions?

1. I just started to germinate about 10 seeds today i dont want to plant until like two weeks from now when its warmer is that to long?

2. Whats the best soil to plant the seeds in?

3. How far apart should they be from each other?
1. Yes 2 weeks is probably way to long, you should have them germinate fora max of 5 days, or the seedling will get to long.
2. Just dig up your area where you want to have a garden and put some good potting soil there, then your gona have healthier plants.
3. Atleast a foot between plants, so there' roots have room.

Also maybe you should think about putting them somewhere else, because next to a river might be to moist.
I planted my seeds like 2 days ago.... should they have came up???? they where germinated, and the roots where like half inch long, im growin them inside. Thanks
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