Random drug tests


New Member
Hey, I'm gonna get a job w/ meijer (giant department store its only in like 5 states). Well on their application immediatley it says operation drug free. It says some of the conditions I have to submit to are random test at anytime. Is this based on suspicion or whenever they feel like it? Is it even worth getting?
If you want to keep on smoking, probably not
those random ones are a bitch
I think a lot of major stores do. The only two places I know who brag about it like it was a service the the community are meijer and homedepot (which both suck except for the pay)
based on suspicion, you gotta come in stumbling with your eyes bleeding, even then if they don't send you home or fire you, then they'll test you, tests are basically saved for the people who don't kiss the managers ass, it's used more as a personal vendetta against people, cuz i've worked in many stores that were drug free and they knew i smoked weed, and since i was one of the best workers, they looked the other way, it's fucked up but i had bills to pay, lol, now i try to only work at places who don't drug test because that means they care more about your performance than what you do at home and how it makes them look, and that's what i support, lol
giant grocery? tehy dont drug test near me, lol every stoner i know works there
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