Retired Flint Couple Sees The Light On Medical Marijuana

The General

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Michigan - In an unlikely place, Flint couple Jan Nelson and her husband, Ted, found a way to make their marriage better and enjoy their retirement more, medical marijuana. Ted Nelson, 72, suffers from multiple ailments including Type 2 Diabetes, essential tremors, arthritis and an enlarged prostate. A few years ago, he said, some of the medications for his prostate were making life miserable. On top of complications from ailments, he wasn't sleeping through the night. "I was getting up six, seven times a night," he said. Someone recommended a hit of marijuana. He hadn't used pot since his 20s, he said, but figured it was worth a try. "I slept like a baby the whole night," he said. By the time he was in his 30s and 40s, Nelson said, marijuana had sort of gone out of style. The war on drugs came about and made the plant more stigmatized and less available. It simply wasn't something adults with careers and children participated in. Now that he's semi-retired, he said, and much of that stigma has faded, he's finding more and more people accepting of medical pot.

He's not alone. More than 82,000 new medical marijuana applications and 36,000 renewals were approved last year, according to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. Jan Nelson is a retired writing professor from the University of Michigan-Flint who's still teaching one class. Now, they split their time between Flint and Southern California, where Ted Nelson runs a family business that sells award statues throughout the world. His children are mostly running the business now, he said, but he's still helping out.

He promptly got registered as a medical marijuana patient in California, but hasn't been able to register in Michigan since he has a California drivers license. He would like to be able to use marijuana in both states, he said, but when he's tried to get registered here he was told a Michigan drivers license was required. That part is frustrating, the couple said. "I see the benefits on my husband," Jan Nelson said. "He gets a good night's sleep. His pain is reduced." In California, he chews daily chocolate-flavored tablets of cannibidiol, a major property of cannabis with none of the psychoactive effects of THC. At night, he takes a few puffs of an indica strain of marijuana before bed. The shakes from his tremors are reduced dramatically, he said, and the overall pain from other ailments and stress is reduced or eliminated.


News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Blake Thorne
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Website: Retired Flint couple sees the light on medical marijuana |
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