Rippers Stories


New Member
These are some experiences I've had concerning people ripping me off.

-One year I decieded to grow in an area that was thick with stinging nettles and poison oak.
If you've never had an encounter with stinging nettles, consider yourself fortunate.
The slightest touch makes it feel like hundreds of red-hot pins have been driven into your skin. It hurts really bad at first, gradually fading after an hour or 2.
And poison oak/ivy--well, many people are familiar with this unpleasent bitch. A nasty rash and agonizing itching for over a week.
However, a immunity can be built up.
Every early spring when I first went out to pre-prepare my garden, I would on purpose barely brush up aganist both the nettles and poison oak. The nettles would hurt like hell and the poson oak would do what it normally does.
Every week I'd purposly brush up aginst the nettles more and touch more poison oak.
By mid spring, I'd be immune.
I could tromp through a patch of stinging nettles in shorts and it would barely tingle.
And I could walk through stands of head-high poison oak in shorts & t- shirt with no ill effect.

This natural barrier worked great. Potential rippers were loath to get stung and infested to check out this little side canyon.
But one year, someone did. I went out and someone had cut off all the branches of a dozen plants just a few weeks from being ready.

About a week later I was camping about 10 miles away and met a group of fishermen.
One of them pulls out a baggie of microwave dried weed and rolls a j.
He says "our friend jacked this last week. He found it growing about 10 miles away".
"wow" I said, playing dumb, "and where's he?"
"He's in the hospital man. He got poison oak so bad it's in his blood and they have him tied down to a hospital bed."

More stories to come. Stay tuned cause you ain't heard NOTHING yet.
serves that fucker right.
ur a fucking badass dude that is fuckin awsome man. great. i wanna hear more man

peace out brother:smokin3:
I liked to park with my windows open when I lived in Yonkers, NY. to keep the car cool when I'd get in it in the afternoon (I worked swing shift). I got my stereo ripped off one night and that pissed me off fierce. went and had a new one installed and then I got it home and crazy glued some razor blades and fish-hooks to it. Sure enuff two weeks later the interior of my car was FULL of blood, that fucking stereo sure sounded sweet on my way to work THAT day I can tell ya. I locked the car up after that...... just hadda to get a little payback was all..... fuckin' thieves........:hmmmm:
you want a cool story? ok check this out.

Well as it turns out, johnnyBlazed came to portland, well i met up with him, at first i wanted to keep it non drug related seeings how its first time meet ya know? so we went downtown to the Portland Saturday market, while the Beer Fest was going on, so we were walkin around , i showed him the Kind glass supply, 3rd eye smoking shop. and the smoke shop where they have the wall of bongs. i also introduced him to my friends that work there, and got some egiptian food. than he droped me off at my house, than later i called him when i got a call back from his cuz. went and picked it up, we were told it was gonna be a strain called fire, knowing his cousin it was gonna be dank, well when we get it, it smells like it came in a 2lb quantity, and it was seriously fresh, doesnt even look like it was cured, man was i pissed, but next time he's in town he's gettin hooked up.
Once me and my friend had 4 7' tall Hawaiian plants way way deep in the woods next to a stream.
We knew no one had been in that side canyon for years, so we felt safe.
We went out to harvest and I figured we'd let it go 2 more days.
You guessed it, when we came back someone had cut all the branches off all the plants. They didn't even leave enough for a joint for us to smoke for our 7 months of labor.
Fast forward 5 months. I'm camped out a few miles from where I had gotten ripped off when the guys drive up in a truck, unusual 'cause the road is behind a locked gate.
Turns out they had a gold claim to that area. They had been panning for gold in that area for 5 months.
They told me the area's they had tried and one of them was where the plants had been.
I could tell there was more to the story--ya know how sometimes someone is telling you something and you can tell they're leaving something out? Like that.
I said nothing.
Fast forward about 2 weeks. I hike down and discover that a tent & sleeping bag I THOUGHT I had well-hidden under a rock in a brushy area had been stolen.
Fast foward a few more weeks. I go in and see their truck with a flat tire.
The truck is unlocked and it's full of stuff like fishing gear, a gold dredge, a generator, binocs--and MY tent and MY sleeping bag. They were ruined. The tent had burn holes in it, the sleeping bag had a big tear.
When I get home I call the Forest Service to report the abandoned truck.. They tell me that the miners had gotten busted on a variety of warrants (no surprize there, given their propensity for stealing). They were in jail and the Forest Service was gonna send in a tow truck with a tire and haul the truck out.
Now I don't take stuff that doesn't belong to me. But that doesn't prevent me from telling otherpeople I kniw about it. So I put the word out--there was an abandoned truck full of goodies and I told them where.
A couple of days later I went back and the truck was empty.

More to come.
Yeah!....poison ivy and poison oak are nice , lol,.An old friend of mine used to mix his beekeeping hobbies with his gardening.10 hives of bees kept anybody curious at a nice distance.He told me about some growers in the Triangle that would put on apiary outfits and convienently relocate hornet nests near their patches.They would bag up the hive and hang it up again.I know some of the real guerilla gardeners in cali are doing some crazy Vietnam era boobytraps , which is kinda sad,I would'nt want someone to lose a foot to a shotgun shell landmine or get shit-tainted fishhooks in the face just because they hiked in the wrong area.
Booby-traps are counter-productive in many ways.
-First, if you put in booby-traps and they work you face SERIOUS charges when the injured person tells hospital personel how they got injured. Instead of losing your crop to a ripper, you'll lose your crop AND face serious charges for engangering public health.
-Someone getting injured by a guerilla grow booby-trap gives ALL growers and smokers a bad name, and gives leo's an excuse to "crack down".
-It diverts funds which could be used for improvements of public lands (trails/campgrounds, etc.) into hiring more Forest Service cops.
I went out to tend a garden--20 plants a few weeks from being ready to find they had been stolen. Hundrds of $$ for gas & equip., dozens of hours of hard hiking, months and months of raising the plants--all gone.
The next spring I was camped out a few miles from that area at a backpack campground. 3 guys were camped there. That night they start drinking and I sit and listen.
They tell me that last fall they ripped off 20 plants in the area I had them. I knew they were talking about MY plants.
One guy says "man i would've have loved to see the expression on that stupid hippie's face when he found his plants gone haha".
I say nothing.
The next morning I'm up at dawn and hike out.
At the turnout trailhead I see their van. Time for payback.
I let the air out of 3 tires and took a leak in the gas tank.
For the coup d' gras I broke out a window with a rock and took a big morning dump on the driver's upholstered captains chair, then went home.
Sounds like you have alot of trouble growing in the woods. Maybe it's time to grow indoors?

The moral of all your stories strikes me as "Be careful what you do, it will all come back on you." :allgood:
I am sure many people get their plants yanked, but few get the chance to get even like you have. :cheesygrinsmiley:

If that guy was talking about stealing 20 plants, and I knew that it was my 20 plants he was talking about, I would have started choking him right then and there.
I've been growing outdoors for 40 years, and been ripped off prob 11 times.
I learned early on not to "put all my eggs in 1 basket"; I've usually had at least 2 and sometimes 3 gardens per year.
I wouldn't attack someone unless it was in self-defense. That's not my style.
Plus, in this case there were 3 of them and 1 of me, deep in the woods. I would've ended up injured, maybe dead.
I have had many inside grows. But currently my outdoor gardens supply me and the disabled people I grow for enough weed to last a year; I don't need the added expense of an indoor grow.
And my outdoor plants are in my backyard. To rip me off now they have to get by my security system, my dogs and me with a 12-gauge. I wouldn't shoot anyone but someone who comes onto my prop. uninvited at night will most likely run like hell when I fire off a couple of rounds (into the ground).

I did have 7 plants out in the woods and 5 of them got ripped off last week. I know who did it, and they'll pay.
the only rip stories i have are from this season of growing. one plot of plants were off well only a month into the season, grown up a 1.5ft and tight growth. come back one day to find all of them broken off and laying next to the stem. the other plot i had showed huge promise with over 12 hours of direct light, gone back to it to plant more seeds and water to find an entire 200 foot wide stripe of land cut down to the ground and signs stating "property of the army engineers" never going back their again.
I wish I were inventive enough to rig up a "booby trap" like that bucket of blood in Carrie, and if someone fucked with my plants they'd get a shower of liquified bat guano.
That wouldn't harm anyone but it would teach them a lesson.
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