Scouting locations today - Questions


Active Member
I was out today as the title suggests and I noticed that there was a lot of deer poop (and elk too) in the area I plan to use or try. Since rabbit poop is good to use directly on and in the garden I was wondering if anyone had an idea regarding deer/elk poop?? I have been around horses most of my life so I would not use that unless it were aged properly but deer??
Ideally it would need to be inserted into a composting cycle, at which its nutrients would be best allocated. I personally would not use any droppings fresh as a fertilizer, it needs to be part of a overall compost.

Separately, if you consider planting in this area, be aware that these animals seek out fresh lush green vegetation, and often times people come back to their plants half-eaten by rabbits,deer,etc.
I am not worried about the deer etc eating my plants as I have plans for that. No harming of animals!!!!

I just thought that if rabbit poo is so mild then maybe deer poo was too.
Poo is not perfect for growing cannabis, and it definitely needs to be composted first.
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