Southeast Mid-Grade


New Member
Name: Southeast Mid-Grade

Location: South Carolina

Price: $50-125.00 per ounce.

Taste: Somewhat piney and skunky, with some hash-like and medicine-like qualities in there as well.

High: A floating, euphoric and munchy high but depends on the situation and your mood. I'm lead to believe this is a Sativa/Indica mix with more Sativa-ish qualities. After a couple bong rips I decided to go for a nice ride in the country in the Jeep (I do not condone driving while high). I swear I felt 20 feet higher off the ground than normal. Highly alert and energetic but clumsy at the same time.

Appearance: A beautiful green that can range from almost neon to lime to grass green. Most of the buds are rock hard and have a good covering of rusty orange hairs. Noticeable crystal coverage. When looking at a sack, at first glance there are no seeds but once the bud is broken up there are only a couple.

Texture: Most buds are rock solid

Smell: Not a particularly overpowering aroma. Pine and skunk are most evident.

Overall: This stuff is really an awesome deal with the right hook-up. A very long-lasting euphoric high off very little weed makes for a good product. The stuff is fairly strong for being mids, as I can roll a mostly tobacco spliff, take 2-3 tokes off it and be right for almost an entire work day. An 1/8 will last me an entire week and that's smoking every day, a couple times a day.

Additional comments: I know that headies are what is most discussed here but I believe that the 'littles' deserve some recognition too. Some of the reg and mid that I've come across is almost as good as the exotic strains that I've smoked. Sure it's 'boring mid', but it's an outstanding deal when you're short on cash. Rolling a nice fat flavored joint of this and sprinkling on some heady (Blueberry or White Widow being my fav to roll with this mid), with a big tall glass of ice cold fruit juice (or fresh piece of fruit) is a wonderful way to start the day :smokin:
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