Stage 4 Lung Cancer

Hey zippo,

sorry to hear the bad news. What chemos have you done so far and which are they planning to do next?
My mom had no stopped chemo, not because she wanted to but because its not working at all..
I believe it is the concentrated oil in part, inconsistency of the potency, incorrect strains and the amount needed especially for larger tumors. Also so much confusion about what procedure/application works. One thing there is no confusion about is no matter what your treating cancer with when you stop, it comes back, seemingly with a vengeance. One of the huge differences between chemo and concentrated oil; Chemo has breaks in between treatments (a human body can only endure so much). If opting for chemo and this is the protocol in my opinion this is the time to experiment with the concentrated oil. The concentrated oil can be constantly used and constantly increased. I get baffled why somethings work and others don't. Just hasn't been my results when taken properly. Perhaps someday when concentrated oil is consistently produced for quality, potency, etc., the results will be more accurate.

I truly hope someday soon the confusion goes away and people with major illness can be cured (everyone). Why does greed for money have to be tied in with the sick? Make money off the sick and huge profits off of medications?

I hope the very best for everyone.
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