Switching to 12/12 and humidity inquiries


Active Member
Greetings everyone!

As u know I'm a beginner and i got acouple of questions which seems I couldn't have answers to.

My first would be since I'm in 18/6 light cycle and about to switch to 12/12 for the flowering stage how would I do this shift since my current cycle starts dark from 7pm to 1am can I increase the dark cycle up to 7am is this the correct method ?

Second question is that i just harvested my autos and im trying to dry them using sunvisor small tent with ac infinity exhaust and added a small fan inside im struggling to keep the humidity below 65 sometime it spikes to 70 and at night therea 2 hours window where it gets 56 to 59% .. im using split ac 24/7 and honestly i can't afford a dehumidifier at this point so was wondering is there any hacks for this ?

Well I forgot the third question but hopefully I'll remember to post again ! Lol

Appreciate ur support and wisdom !
My first would be since I'm in 18/6 light cycle and about to switch to 12/12 for the flowering stage how would I do this shift since my current cycle starts dark from 7pm to 1am can I increase the dark cycle up to 7am is this the correct method ?
It is a common way of making the switch over. Change the timer to 12 or 13 hours off is all it really takes. Nothing fancy needs to be done.

trying to dry them using sunvisor small tent with ac infinity exhaust and added a small fan inside im struggling to keep the humidity below 65 sometime it spikes to 70 and at night therea 2 hours window where it gets 56 to 59% ..
Check the humidity in the room the tent is in. If the humidity reading in the room is more like what you want then consider leaving the door to the tent open as a way of controlling the levels.
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