U.s. Madness Goes Too Far


New Member
One matter has become abundantly clear from Canadian polls: most Canadians want the prohibition of cannabis to end and believe that adults who use it should be left alone. Maclean's magazine now refers to us as "mainstream" Canadians.

But in a new and ominous move, George W. Bush and his American "Reefer Madness" crusaders have now challenged Canadian values and sovereignty. Displeased with Canada's tolerance for cannabis, the US Drug Enforcement Administration has decided to bypass the Canadian judicial system by secretly laying charges against Canadians under their US laws.

With ready capitulation from Justice Minister Irwin Cotler, US Drug Agents entered Canada to join Vancouver police on a raid of our BC Marijuana Party Headquarters. Three Canadians have been arrested, including Marc Emery, leader of our BCMP. The US Drug Enforcement Administration wants to extradite our fellow citizens, not for committing crimes, but for "conspiring" to commit them by breaking US laws against distributing marijuana seeds.

The DEA charges of "conspiracy" cleverly allow for reduced standards of evidence in their US courts, where even hearsay is admissible.

All three are facing harsh US mandatory sentences, 10 years to life in prison for conducting a business that had long been allowed to operate openly and legally in Canada. Fully aware of the nature of his business, our Canadian government has had not qualms over collecting considerable taxes every month from Emery's seed sales.

This US administration continues to be out of step with the rest of our planet, as shown by their official denial of global warming, their opposition to the International Criminal Court, their refusal to sign the 1997 Ottawa Accord on landmines and their self-perceived right to wage "pre-emptive" wars.

Now their zero-tolerance drug zealots are attempting to enforce their own self-righteous American laws on Canadians for activities that are legal in Canada. And if they're not legal in Canada, we have our own independent judicial system to deal with it.

This is an outrage. These Americans aren't just stepping on our grass; they're trampling all over our Canadian values and sovereignty.

Chris Emery, Blind Bay

Source: Salmon Arm Observer (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Salmon Arm Observer
Contact: newsroom@saobserver.net
Website: Home - Salmon Arm Observer
I really hope Canadians take note of which politicans are encouraging and participating in this cooperation wtih the US. Dont vote for these fools!
It was weak of Canada to allow all this.

What if an 18 yr old, close to the border, slips up to Alberta for alcohol because they're too young to drink legally in their own state? Are the states gonna insist on charging Canada for selling alcohol to an American minor?

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