Using SNOW for water?


New Member
Hey Guys/Gals....

Just wondering since rain water is good for using for feed water mix, would snow also be good if it was clean and nothing else in it, like fresh fallen snow???

Would it also have low ppm like rain water???

Hope a few can reply to give their idelas on this THanks..>!
So I may have Finnally found a good thing about all this snow...LoL

Well it ppms to a big 0 and ph is around 7.5 thats no worry can down that BUT the ppm being 0 ROCKS...
a little dirt in the snow wouldn't hurt anything. You'd primarily need to watch out for salt, motor oil and other automotive chemicals. The snow may pick up chemicals from the air as it freezes, or from your driveway if you collect it from there. If you did pick up some oils or toxins with the snow you could melt it all in a container and siphon the water out from under the oil to remove that. Then you would cycle it through a sediment & carbon filter for a day or two to remove toxins.
It's cheaper to buy, maintain & run a two-stage sediment/carbon filter than a water still or an R/O filter.
Snow has very little actual water in it. It is mostly air. In fact, if you tried to drink snow you would die of dehydration because it would take more energy to melt the snow and it would take too long to get enough water. Melted snow, like in a pot is another story because you could make as much of it as you need. What I use is condensate from my dehumidifier and it is extremely pure. Something like less than 10 ppm. I very rarely use tap water anymore (which I draw from a well) and certainly never use chlorinated city reservoir water because the chlorine is designed to kill microorganisms and is the reason why plants grown using city water tend to have all kinds of unexplained illnesses. If worse comes to worse, use snow, or buy a kiddy pool and collect rain water. Rain water is perfectly PHed and I have 2 kiddy pools in my backyard and use them to collect perfectly PHed water for my Deep Water Culture Plants.
I'm running low on rain water and now I'm discretely trying to collect snow. My snow seems to have low PH. A 5 gallon bucket of snow yielded about 2 gallons of water. It was not packed in hard.

Gotta do it at night so the neighbors dont think I've lost my mind as I bring buckets of snow in the house LOL
LoL I hear ya... when I try to ph it up or down it seems to jump all over the place takes me a long time to get it right...Do you have this problem as well...?
yeah I don`t know on my end it jumps all around...Lets say its 6.8 then I add just a few drops of Down, and next thing i know its like 4.9 Hard to get it to a steady 5.9 6.0 what I am after....

MAybe its that it has Nothing in it or werid water/snow no ideal and I am using 2 Good tested Hana Meters thats not the problem....
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