Vac. to NY and COn.


New Member
hey, i know this is the wrong thread, but this is my favorite thread, and i wouldnt bother going on the other ones lol. so yeah, i was at my aunties house in connecticut and we were there for about 5 hours. and when i was about to make my way back inside the house i noticed an odd looking plant to my left. then i looked closely and i was like OH SHIT!!! MARY j. growing wildly in her backyard. we hella smelled it in the living room, and i know i and about few of my cousins got the giggles.i wish we coulda taken some back to san francisco, maybe even some seeds. but i wouldnt risk taking it back through the airport. heres a few pics of it.
actually nah there were hella fam there. and my auntie was irritated that we even knew wut it was. lol i wish tho omg.
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