V'spec makes an unexpected entry


New Member
Intro's, Jellyman, Offspring.... Offspring, Jellyman.

Hi guys

Somewhat strange joining a new forum. Im kinda used to my own kingdom in the salt water related hobbies. However my interest seems to have shifted as of late to the hydroponics & aqauponics related fields. And as they say, a change is as good as a holiday.

Im aware these forums are geared to the education of hemp and all that other jazz. I myself would be classified as a blue moon smoker at best, with no real interest in growing it. I believe i performed my adolescence duty well enough when i designed my own flood & drain system at age 11. Always helps having older friends at that age i guess, but that definitely seemed like a lifetime ago. No, these days im more interested in the art of sustainability.

Growing productive veg & fruit crops that "unplug" me from the system so to speak is my current objective. If that's an issue, id appreciate if you let me know early before a ruffle potential die hard feathers.

Besides having a pretty warped sense of humour being an Ozzie, Ive got considerable experience & a wealth of knowledge in the water related hobbies, which would make the aquaponics side of growing a snap.
Couple that a wicked desire to push the frontiers of design at every opportunity - & it makes for some interesting times.

so...Hemp or no hemp, I wasn't born yesterday, the current crowd knows their sh^t. So im here to learn off the best.

Look forward to getting better acquainted with all of you.
:ciao: vspec, How are you? :welcome:
Very nice to have you here and thanks for joining us in the fun. :clap:
If you have any Questions about this Wonderful Site Let us Know.
Looking forward in hearing more from you Friend.
The goal here is to educate and to help Spread Cannabis/Hemp Awareness throughout the World.
Your help would be much appreciated. :thumb:
Enjoy all that 420 offers and we will see you in the forums. :peace:
i'll plant one, just for you bud :D
Thanks bud, i'll look out for him.
:hmmmm: its the forum layout before our last upgrade, so navigation isn't a problem.

I've got abit of catching up to do, plenty of user threads to read so i can see how & what systems your all into.
Hi vspec, :welcome: to the 420Magazine forums.
You are an interesting new member, and it would seem full of potential to grow.
The site is all about cannabis/hemp awareness.
Enjoy this great site, and all it has to offer to people who itch for knowledge.
Hope to see you in the forums. :grinjoint:
well thats a heady signature you got going at any rate..lol :reading420magazine:

Thanks for the warm welcomes. I'll be honest & say im not to sure how useful i'll be at this point, the whole awareness campaign would do very little in my neck of the woods. I would assume anyone from here would rather keep the radar low in this regard, but i could be wrong.

I applaud what you guys a trying to achieve at any rate.
I may not personally agree with every standpoint, but keep up the good fight just the same!
how many ozzies do we have on site anyways guys.
how many ozzies do we have on site anyways guys.

G'day mate, There were a few around when I first started hanging around this place.
They haven't been around in a while. I guess were it for the moment.
They're getting used to my warped humour so you should be sweet.
When you say saltwater hobbies are you talkin sport or pet fishies?
If it's the later I might have question for you.
By the way a little hydro system would be a great way for you to get your produce established before you put 'em out under the BIG light.:thumb::peace:
it sometimes takes awhile for other nations to get used to our straight forwardness & distinct humour. I noticed that in dealing with the Americans on my salt water forum. I was surprised however, cause once they got used to it, i much prefered to converse with them than say the Brits.

Yeah bud, Salt water as in fish & corals
Fire away with any questions you like.

I dont think i'll even be able to do that dude. The misses is very anti grow. I've asked her a few times, & she knows im on here, but still no starting gun in the background..lol
We're kinda under the direct flight path of all the police choppers where they they take off & land as well, which doesn't help.
As i said, im learning all i can as its interesting, however i'll just stick to growing veges & what not at this stage.
it sometimes takes awhile for other nations to get used to our straight forwardness & distinct humour. I noticed that in dealing with the Americans on my salt water forum. I was surprised however, cause once they got used to it, i much prefered to converse with them than say the Brits.

Yeah bud, Salt water as in fish & corals
Fire away with any questions you like.

I dont think i'll even be able to do that dude. The misses is very anti grow. I've asked her a few times, & she knows im on here, but still no starting gun in the background..lol
We're kinda under the direct flight path of all the police choppers where they they take off & land as well, which doesn't help.
As i said, im learning all i can as its interesting, however i'll just stick to growing veges & what not at this stage.

I was talking about vege's and stuff. If you start 'em under lights you'll never look back mate. This is what I'd do. Get a little CFL set up. Nice and cheap. Your only getting it for fruit and veg.;) Then a few months down the track slip one or two in with the tomatoes.:biglaugh: I love coral and troppies. I live in Airlie Beach for a while. Beautiful mate. It's a different world down there mate. Here's my question. How would I lower my tub temps a couple of degrees if it were a fishtank??? Any other options than a cooler? They're a bit pricey and I've only got a 50L tub. I was thinking of putting the airpump 50L/min in an esky with some cold bricks but the pump runs pretty hot. Choppers, schmoppers. They cant see one or two plants. When they fly over northern NSW the only reason they find is coz they fly so low the prop wash dissrupts the plants and the underneath of the leaves show up as silver.
Big commercial patches ofcourse stick out like dog's balls. But one or two ain't a problem IMO.:peace:
To lower temps in aquariums, a few options exist.

Most basic plug & play option is ether a chiller or a fan that blows across the surface of the water.

A chiller option as you mentioned can be expensive. Although taking into account your res is about the size of a nano tank, i wouldn't have thought something running that volume would have been excessive?

The biggest draw back running a fan over your water is evaporation. Which in our fish tank systems, deploying an auto top off unit with RO water will counter this real time.

Im not 100% up to speed with hydroponic nutrients yet, so i cant comment what impact evaporation would have on the mix. or whether a top off unit would solve that issue. However looking at it logical you'd get a super saturated ion imbalance and resulting ph spike im assuming.

From what ive seen so far, most people keep their sump res units sealed to minimise light penetration among other things. Its pointless having a fan moving air if its not ventable.

Ive got air pumps that pump min 50lt/m. I dont use them in a bid to increase O2 content though, as 90% happens through gas exchange at the waters surface anyways. Decent surface agitation will be far more effective. However getting back on topic, air pumps utilise diaphragms, so a fair stint of heat is generated as you mentioned. Couple that with it draws from the same unit it pumps & you'll find the result will be negligible anyways.

Yeah, Queensland is orsome. Nice place where you were living, gateway to the Whitsundays

Im still deciding what system to deploy for veg growing, i definitely wanted to go the aquaponics route. But im currently thinking using the wick tray method for seedlings, then transferring to a custom perlite flood & drain.
Thanks for the encouragement anyways dude.
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