What's Your Tallest Plant


New Member
Back around 1980-81 a friend and I planted a cross we had made of a local Indica crossed with a Hawaiian Strain. We planted it in an old dump we had down by the creek at our farm. When it was around 6 feet tall it got knocked over or fell over so we propped it up with an old metal Lasso herbicide can laying in the dump. Anyway, some time later I was away from the farm and my buddy called me and said our plant was 16 feet tall. So he would make a lunch sack every day at his place and walk down and sit by the plant as it was about 3 or 4 feet above the brush and such separating it from a local dirt road. While he was sitting there one day [close to harvest time] guarding the plant [because it was too tall], a car drove by and stopped! backed up and sat there for a second, somebody got out, and my buddy said "Hey, what the bleep are you doing, this is private property!" jumped back in the car then took off. Needless to say my buddy pulled the plant then and there, hid it in the woods, and took it home at night to trim it up and cure the buds. Later on he was telling me how he and some of my other buddies were smoking some in a tree and they got so high and started seeing purple/colorful spots [attributed to the "Herbicide Affect"] that they basically had to wait until they came down some before they could climb down out of the tree [I'm sure he embellished the time spent in the tree a bit]. And thus was born the name Lassowhip. I never got to smoke any of that weed so I missed out on the "freaky herbicide" buzz. I'm sure it was just a psychologically induced effect but nonetheless it would have been awesome to have some of that strain today. That was some of the best crossing work we had ever done.
Needless to say all our breeding work was packed into a 1 gallon ziploc bag with individual strains inside... FULL! That was a LOT of seed.
One day my buddy was over to the farmhouse and we were going through our seeds in my upstairs room, organizing seed, smoking some really good Hawaiin, and contemplating our next cannabis adventure.... We realized that this batch of Hawaiian we were smoking was superior to all others before it so we walked down to other buddy's house to get seed from either his parents or his sister in Hawaii who was sending them seeds. Well we got "caught up" in being stoned all that day, all night, and the next day, and all weekend.
When we made it back to my room on Monday afternoon that bag of seeds was GONE! Yes gone! Come to find out my grandmother found it and threw it in the trash which was subsequently burned in the burning barrel! Years of breeding work gone in a short time. We still kick each other for leaving that bag on top of my desk to this very day. But such things do happened when you are Super Stoned!!

Anyway, when we later figured that there was no herbicide cause and effect in the bud [hence the name Lassowhip] we renamed it the 10,000 beer can buzz or 10.000 BC(B); because there was at least 10,000 beer cans in that old dump when my uncles buried it.
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