Why do we?



Alright so basically I was thinking about life today and I came to the conclusion that despite what some might believe, we could only go around this merry-go-round (life) ONCE... One time thats it... There are no second chances... We cannot move back time... Whats done is done... I will NEVER see the time 5:dreamy:30 october 7th, 2006 EVER again... So my question is why do people waste a lifetime? Why not enjoy it... Why can we not do whatever we want to our bodies, whenever we feel like it? (legally) Why must so many countries and people resort to violence and murder? I think it is absolutly discusting that we have people on this planet who feel it is their responsibility to end someone elses life. I wish everyone could just let nature take her course, and be able to live in complete happiness and not have to constantly be under threat of attack from other places in the world. I think it is crazy that people do not have the choice to work and be happy... or not work and be just as satisfied. Why do we have to spend so many days..hours...minutes...seconds of our lives just to be "happy".

Basically what i'm getting at is... That there is no point to living life if you never have time to enjoy it, and if smoking weed is what makes you happy... well then more power to you! Like I said... It's your life... Dont let other people control it... Let every second, of every hour, of every day, of every year be your own... and NEVER let anyone tell you otherwise.
Major! YOU, my boy, are absolutely RIGHT!
Live, love, laugh, run, dance, play...
but do it with a SMILE on your face!
:cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley:
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